Chapter 13

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Namjoon's POV~

When I awoke it felt like I was laying on a big fluffy cloud. It was cool yet warm enough to be comfortable without extra cover. The room smelled strongly like my mate. I opened my eyes to still see darkness. 

I tried to swallow what little spit I had to dampen my dry mouth. Becoming more aware I felt sharp pains on the bottoms of my feet. 

It felt like someone was taking a knife to my feet and cutting them. And when it wasn't burning from being cut there was two sharp cold little prods digging deep and rooting around in the cuts. 

"S-Stop! Stop it!" I exclaimed pulling away from the pain at the base of my feet. 

"I'm only trying to help you." A cold voice spoke. They grabbed me by my ankles and yanked me down. I slid across the covers. There was an iron grip on one of my ankles and more cut and digging like feelings. 

"Stop! It burns! Aaa-" I started to scream as the panic set in. 

"WHAT is going ON?!" The commanding voice set a shiver down my spin. 

"S-Seokj-jin?" I called as his strong scent wafted into the room. 

"What are you doing to him?" I heard him hiss. 

"My Lord, I am doing what you instructed me to do." The male holding onto my feet huffed. 

"Namjoon, you have to let the doctor help you so you don't get an infection." Seokjin said, I could hear his footsteps as he came closer. 

"I don't like it! Make it stop!" I whined as the pain started again. I flailed my arms until I found Seokjin and latched onto him. 

I kept my grip on him until I felt a sticky cold thing being spread on my feet. 

"T-That's c-cold" I hissed. 

"Shhh you're okay love." 

I heard the wrapping being torn from itself then felt it get wrapped around my sore feet. 

"Thank you doctor." 

"The pleasure is all mine, my lord." The sound of fast wind then the sound of a door left us in silence. 

"Why do they keep calling you that?" I asked Seokjin. I turned my head to look up at him, well to appear to be looking at him. He squatted down and sat beside me. 

"I'm the King of Vampires love." I tensed beside him. I opened and closed my mouth trying to come up with something to say. 

"No I will not hurt you. You are in my bedroom and nothing happened while you were sleeping. You are safe here. No one is going to hurt you. I am not going to hurt you. Ya I get it I'm a blood sucker but I will not drink from you unless you want me to. Does that about cover it?" 

I giggled in response. 

"Pretty much. But... can I get something to eat?" I played with my fingers. 

"Ack-" I yelped as I was picked up. 

"Of course love. What would you like?" He asked as he walked with me. 

"I-I don't know?" I whispered. 

"I'm giving you the options of everything and you don't know?" 

"Anything will do." I smiled at him. 

"Wait! Where's Taehyung?" I asked, my grip tightening on him. 

"Shhh he's okay. I think he's down here eating as well." He answered as he kept walking. I sighed and relaxed in his arms again. 

"I said no!" 

"You cannot run around without clothes!" 

"I'm wearing a shirt! Do you want me to take the shirt off?!" 

I heard two voices bickering at each other and I couldn't help but giggle. I imagine the sight would have been hilarious. 

"What's happening?" I whispered to Seokjin as to not disturb the scene.  

"Hoseok hyung and his mate are arguing. He's mate is running around only in a shirt and teasing Hoseok hyung." He laughed telling me. 

He started walking again and the loud ruckus ended for a moment. 

"See Namjoon's only wearing a shirt!" I heard Yoongi hyung exclaim. 

"Where did my pants go?" I blushed trying to cover myself with my shirt while still holding onto Seokjin. 

"Relax. You have shorts on." He sat me down in a chair. 

"Oh." I smiled as I sat there and listened to everything else. 

"I went around bare to the world almost all my life! I'm not putting fucking pants on! You can kiss my ass!" I heard Yoongi exclaimed then ran off, I assume anyway. The sound of fading footsteps fallowed as he left the room. 

I flinched as there was a loud noise beside me.  


"I can feed my-" A fork full of pancakes was shoved into my mouth. I rolled my eyes but hummed at the wonderful taste. 

"God I swear we have a house full of sassy females." Someone whined.

"Excuse me?" This time it was Taehyung. 

"Women?! I'll show you women!" Taehyung yelled followed by a loud crash. 

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Seokjin growled. 

"Food!" I pouted and poked him. 

"I'm surrounded by children." He sighed but shoved another forkful into my mouth.


The chapter is a bit all over the place but I figured a happy chapter was okay.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and thank you all, my lovely readers, for reading and voting!!



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