Chapter 13

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The weeks go by in January slowly. Classes are nothing special. Although having potions with Malfoy has been nice, we decided not to say anything to Snape about switching partners and he hasn't said anything to us about it. As for Transfiguration, Malfoy and Blaise bicker about other things not involving me. Majority of the time it's about Harry and other Gryffindors.

As February comes the snow stays on the ground and the cold air lingers. Dean hasn't stopped talking about a gift he made for Daphne for Valentine's Day tomorrow. I didn't expect them to be involved for this long but I am happy for them. Dean asked her to be his girlfriend a couple weeks ago and they seem very happy.

Malfoy and I have found a good balance between our relationship and the other students. We have our small moments in public but in private it's different. I like it.

After dinner I head to the common room with Hermione. We talk about Valentines day and she asks me if Malfoy and I have any plans for tomorrow. He hasn't said anything about it but knowing Malfoy, I know nothing special will happen. I don't mind though, it's who he is and I'm okay with that.

"I wish I had someone to snuggle up with tomorrow!" Hermione says as we walk into the common room.

"Who is it that you want to get all cozy with Granger?" Fred asks from across the room.

"No one Fred!" Hermione yells at him with a small laugh.

"My bet is on Finnigan!" George buds in.

"Sod off George!" Herimone yells back at him while the rest of the Gryffindors giggle along at the twins.

"Don't worry Hermione, you will find someone one day that will want to buy you a thousand roses on Valentines day." I say with a smile.

"Doubtful." She says rolling her eyes as we sit down with Harry and Ron on the couch.

"Can we not talk about Hermione getting all cuddled up with some boy, I may vomit." Ron says making a fake sick face.

"Don't be so dramatic Ron. I bet one day you will find a girl that you will go mad for and you would buy her a house full of flowers." I say back to him.

"Now that is a funny thought." Harry says laughing. Ron rolls his eyes at all of us joking along with each other.

We spend the rest of the night talking about different things around the castle. Eventually Hermione and I head up to bed for the night. We spend the rest of the night talking about boys, even though I can tell some things I say about Malfoy make her uncomfortable.


The next morning I head to Potions class with Malfoy. We usually meet outside of the Great Hall and walk to class together. As we walk he tells me about how Blaise was up all night trying to make Luna a card for today and how disgusted he was by it. We get to class to see cauldrons on our desks. We all sit in our seats interested to see what they are for today.

"Today we will be peering into the spirit of the day and doing something a little different. As much as I hate Valentine's day, I thought this lesson would align." Snape says to the class.

"I wonder what the potion is?" I whisper to Malfoy.

"We will be learning the Amortentia potion, love potion." Snape says with a disgusted look on his face. The class all looks at each other in interest at the thought of the love potion.

"Get your textbooks out and gather your supplies and start. Whoever finishes first will use their potion to discuss the effects of it." Snape says to end the introduction of the class.

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