Chapter 1

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It was a universal notion that the first day of a brand spanking new job was set to flourish some unwanted nerves and in Lauren's case that very fact seemed to be all too true as she stare blankly at herself within her glossy bathroom mirror gripping tightly onto the rim of the sink below

It was a stare so vacant even the perfectly winged eyeliner surrounding her glistening emerald green eyes didn't exactly glimmer a pressing confidence, it would be nice to skip ahead and report back the events of the day but unfortunately that just wasn't an option

"Mija! Ai Lauren you need to eat before you leave! This is a big day!"

Her sweet grandmother call frantically pulling Lauren's less than calm head back down to earth as she fumble clumsily to throw her phone into her back pocket turning the half running faucet off below her before dragging her feet out into the open kitchen

"I'm not hungry.. I think I'll just grab a coffee with Mani"

She hummed back straightening out her light denim jacket that hug the immaculate white tee covering her chest perfectly, she'd changed her outfit at least twice that morning unable to settle on a work appropriate montage only natural to her normal behaviour that had always been somewhat.. indecisive

"Coffee? What do always tell you about breakfa-

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day yeah Abuelita I know, but I'm going to be late if I sit down and eat.."

The elderly woman lightly roll her eyes as she place down her half read book beside her staring back up at her granddaughter stood anxiously in the centre of the room with a teenage like beg to let her off without a 3 course platter

"If you paid as much attention to your eating as you do your makeup maybe you wouldn't be running late Lauren huh?"

"I have to look good Nona? The girls in there are dumb beautiful and if I'm not they're just gonna laugh at me.."

Her untrusting voice call back as her palms flail beside her with furrowed dark brows pulling on at least a few of her grandmas heartstrings as she look on at the self conscious remark, it was no mystery the girl had low self esteem but it was a cat fight cat kind of world having growing up in a catholic school where girls only strive to tear each other down, it seemed however that Lauren never had the strength to fight back

"Lauren I raised you beautiful, look at you? You don't need to feel any less than those girls just because they walk around with expensive dresses on?"

"I know Abuelita I love you, I really have to go though I'll call you if I get a minute!"

The young Latina spoke leaning in for a quick goodbye embrace before heading out through the old unpainted door tapping her palms over her back pockets just to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything she couldn't later retrieve

The walk was short, calming actually as the low heat of the Miami sun buckle down over her ivory blush cheeks, the soothing sound of her own black heels clapping against the warm concrete focusing her mind into the pavement before reaching the small set of steps leading up towards her new place of work

"You can do this lo!"

She huffed gently to herself reaching out for the glistening gold handle pausing for a moment just to stare back at her own reflection before plucking up a weak courage to pull back the handle instantly being greeted with that same familiar perfume scent, it was more appealing this time however as it lingered for a good moment before softening within her nostrils

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