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"Xander?" I run and jump on him totally forgetting everyone in the room.


"Xan calm down what is going on with you?"

" with me?! imagine my surprise when I come home from work vacation and you don't answer your damn phone and when I ask about you, the coach says you haven't even been training and when I track your necklace it shows that you are at this place OF ALL PLACES!..... Which one is it I swear I don't care who their father is I am gonna kill them for touching you! I told you no boyfriends." he then turns to the boys "Which one of you is trying to get her to fall for you so you can break her heart!!" everyone is staring in shock not understanding what is going on.....

All of a sudden Lorenzo the adult starts laughing.

what the heck is going on.!!!!

"oh my god.. haha .... this is THE Alexa, as in Alexa the girl you made me do a necklace tracker on cause you loved her like a little sister Alexa, oh God I can't anymore" he continued laughing.

"can someone please explain?" I told no one in particular.

" How do you know Alexander, Alexa," Diego asks.

"how do you know De Luca Family, Alexa," Xander asks

"I think I am gonna puke from all the confusion, but Xander here is my brother, or yeah like a brother, he has been taking care of me for years."The De Lucas here well for me to explain who they are to me I need to hide from you cause you are gonna kill me..." Xander raised his eyebrow

"oh god, what did she do? whatever she did no one can touch her I swear to god if anyone touches her you have to go through me" you see why I love him but now he is gonna kill me.

" Alexa, remember I told you I have a son?" Lorenzo asks, oh god no

"Alexander do you remember I told you about this homeless girl that saved Alfonso?" no no no no not like this

Xander stared at chock and I ran behind Diego and whispered



"three" Diego just looked at me confused when we heard -

"YOU WHAT!, YOU ARE FUCKING HOMELESS AND I DID NOT KNOW, wait that means you were in a coma, and that is why you did not answer, oh god Alexa I thought we were family..." he said that sentence in a low voice like he was going to cry. it broke my heart. Then he left... he left. what have I done?

"oh god.... this is bad really bad.." I went to go after him but Lorenzo stopped me and told me to give him space. I couldn't hold it anymore so I started crying. Elijah was holding me and helped me to my room. I was still crying I could not stop it. I don't want to lose him I can't lose him.

Ever since Xander saved me when I was 9 he has been treating me like family. I was going home after buying medicine for Ma when she was sick, and three men grabbed me and tried to sexually assault me when Xander heard me scream. He came running, he was 17 then. He beat them all and took me home after that. The next day I wanted to thank him so I went looking for him in the nearby streets. I found him next to his car smoking at talking to some guys. When he saw me he recognized me instantly and ran to me. He started asking if something was wrong.


"Is something wrong honey?" he asked me

"No I'm ok I just wanted to thank you so I made you a pearl bracelet." he took the bracelet and wore it with a smile.

" What is your name sunshine?"

"Alexa Maria Santiago I am 9 years old and I love rollerskating and making jewelry but I can only afford these pearls so I couldn't make you one more beautiful"

"Well Alexa my name is Alexander, or Xander if you want, and I love the bracelet, are you hungry? I was about to go eat if you want to come?" I looked at him confused, why would he want to eat with me? what if he is a bad man?

like he was reading my mind he took his phone out and called someone to bring us something called "Chinese food".

"Can I call you Xan- Xan? " I asked him when we ate and he just smiled and nodded

After that, we met every day and he bought me food, until two years after we started to eat at restaurants instead.


until this day he still wears the bracelet and he used to buy me supplies to make my jewelry every time I used what he bought he buys me new ones. I always give Miss L  and even uncle Adam and his wife. I met uncle Adam the same year and since then they became my family

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