𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐕. :)

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November 6th, 2020

"AND OVER HERE," Tubbo explained, leading Rory further from the main area of the SMP and deeper into a forest to the right of the Neather portal, "is where we'll have the ceremony!"

They emerged in a clearing, and Rory nearly gasped.

Tubbo had greeted him the second he'd logged onto the SMP, quickly scolded Eret and Rory for talking before the wedding, and had made it his personal task to lead Rory through the wedding plans and give him a tour of the timeline while Dream and Sapnap distracted Eret. Rory could only imagine how that was going.

It had been ten minutes, now, and Tubbo had first shown him to a new area in Manburg created specifically for the "after-party," as the boy called it; then they'd stopped by Niki's bakery, where Niki was making cakes for the wedding. It had been a pleasent surprise and conversation with Niki as Tubbo impatiently waited at the doorway, muttering about a time crunch and pleading with Rory to hurry up. Eventually they'd left Manburg ("Schlatt's refusing to come, of course, he's still angry about the divorce and that you're marrying Eret," Tubbo explained when they passed the podium) and walked a good couple of blocks to the clearing, which is where they stood now.

"Oh, Tubbo . . ."

Fairy lights circled the area, wrapped around trees and twinkling overhead as they crossed over the clearing, with still enough room to see the stars when it grew dark; a red carpet led to the back of the clearing, where an archway made of white-roses stood over a medium-sized podium, where Bad would be officiating the wedding; chairs were scattered around, close enough to the podium to see the ceremony but far enough away as to not be suffocating; to the left was a newly built pathway, most likely connecting to the Prime Path and leading back to the after-party area.

"This is amazing," Rory breathed, turning in a circle as he looked around. It was simple, but perfect. Rory hadn't even know he wanted it until he was looking at it. "You and Tommy did all of this?" he asked, incredibly impressed with their work. For a day, the war had been post-poned, allowing the Dream SMP, Manburg, and Pogtopia to come together for the wedding. Tommy and Tubbo had worked so hard to decorate, Rory hoped the peace would last.

Tubbo smiled proudly. "Yeah! We stayed up nearly all night, but it was so worth it! Tommy even trained a fox to be the flower girl! Or, flower fox, I guess," Tubbo mused. "Do you really like it?" he asked earnestly, looking for complete approval.

Rory smiled. "Tubbo, this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he assured. "You and Tommy are both so talented, look at this place! I can't believe you did this for a wedding!"

"It's your wedding!" Tubbo replied. "Well, your actual wedding that you actually want to happen, since you chose Eret." The boy shrugged. "Your wedding to Schlatt was half-assed." Rory grinned, ruffling Tubbo's hair. "Ah, no, no, no! I did it nice today!" he protested. "Come on, Karl's helping you pick out an outfit!"

Rory raised his eyebrows, following Tubbo down the path as they headed for Karl's house. "Really?" he mused. "Tubbo, how many people are coming to this wedding?"

"Well, there's Dream and Sapnap, of course; we invited George but he might be sleeping; Sam and Ponk are coming, and BadBoyHalo is officiating the ceremony. Uhh, Tommy and I will be there, Fundy is Eret's best man, Punz will be there, Wilbur is your best man, Niki will be there, Quackity is coming — don't worry, Tommy and I will keep him from making a scene. Karl, HBomb, Antfrost . . . oh, and Tommy invited Technoblade, but he hasn't heard back from him," Tubbo explained.

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