24. Epiphany

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"Shall we go?" Seokjin asked, pocketing his phone as he walked back to Jungkook. "Aren't you gonna eat?" Jungkook asked. "I will eat something while you get your cast off" Seokjin said. "Okay" Jungkook said and got up using his crutches and balanced himself before walking out with Seokjin. 

The ride was pretty quiet. "Are you gonna go back home after getting it off?" Seokjin asked as he pulled into the hospital's parking lot. "Yeah. I am really craving a good bath. You cancelled my schedule anyway, right?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah, I did" Seokjin said. 

"When will Tae come back home?" Seokjin asked. "He is staying overnight at the office, apparently" Jungkook said as he opened his door and waited for Seokjin to come around and help him get out of his seat. "What?! Why??" Seokjin asked as he held a hand out for Jungkook to hold. 

Jungkook took hold of the hand and hauled himself out of his seat and balanced himself against the door. "He said his boss wasn't satisfied with his and Jimin's project and asked them to submit a new one by tomorrow......" Jungkook trailed off as he took his crutches from Seokjin. 

'Why does that sound eerily like deja vu?' he thought, but brushed it off once he heard Seokjin reply. "That's cruel, man! Where do they work?" Seokjin asked. "I dunno. He still didn't tell me where they work. He just told me that their boss is being reaalllyyy mean to them...." he trailed off once again. 

It was hitting an odd nerve. 

"Ohh. Ask them to leave their company. We can scout them into our company" Seokjin said as they walked into the hospital. 


Another odd nerve. 

Jungkook just shook his head and hummed as they signed in on the receptionist's register and walked towards the room where Jungkook got his cast on. 

"Okay, I will come back after eating. Here, have the car keys. You can wait in the car if you are done before I finish eating. I will go to some nearby restaurant" Seokjin said as they stood outside the room. 

"Okay. Just, umm...put it in my pocket" Jungkook said, turning slightly to the side so that Seokjin could reach his pocket better. 

"Okay, good luck, Kookie! Fighting! Don't cry! Be bra-" "Hyung! Just shut up and go!" Jungkook snapped. Seokjin chuckled at him. "Okay, see you soon" he said and left. 

Jungkook took a deep breath. This was it. He was finally getting his cast off. 

"Jungkook-ssi! Please come!" the doctor exclaimed the second Jungkook opened the door. "Daesan-ssi" Jungkook smiled at him and bowed slightly. 

"How's your leg?" Daesan asked. "It's fine, as far as I know. It was hurting last night, but I guess it was because of the over activity" Jungkook said as he sat down on a chair. "What did you do yesterday night?" Daesan asked. 

Jungkook blushed slightly. "I got engaged. There was an engagement party" he said. "Oh, wow!! Congratulations!" Daesan said. "Thanks" Jungkook grinned at him. "Shall we get your cast off, then?" Daesan asked. "Yes, please" Jungkook said. 

Daesan chuckled at his eagerness and got to work immediately. 

Jungkook almost squealed when the cast was finally off. Daesan laughed out loud and cleaned his leg. 

"You will have to wear a leg splint for another two weeks. You will be fine after that" Daesan said as he fixed the splint around Jungkook's leg. "Ahh, a splint is thousand times better than a cast. I don't have to move around with those awful crutches anymore" Jungkook said. 

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