Chapter 10 - Secrets Pt. 1/4

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     Eleonore thought to herself: "Finally...I will finally be able to confess these feelings to you, Y/n..."

     Eleonore walked out of the bathroom, putting on her disguise yet again. She walked back into the meeting room.

Canaris: [G] "Continuing from that, during that Lieutenant's stay in our country. We've found records of him constantly visiting Kitzbühel in Austria while he was staying in Salem."

Canaris: [G] "He was in our country for two years, from 1934 to 36 as an exchange student in Salem. Previously, he has been in Japan for two years from 1932 to 34."

Canaris: [G] "That's all we managed to find about him, sir. Although we're not sure if he was employed by the British Secret Intelligence Service or not."

Raeder: [G] "Why is that, Canaris?"

Canaris: [G] "Please consider the fact that exchange students only stay in our country for a year. For him to be here for two years is rather ackward."

Raeder: [G] "So we're facing an enemy that may or may not knows us well. Friedrich, even though you're the finest we have to offer. I advise you to be cautious."

Eleonore: [G] "Ja, Herr Großadmiral."

Dönitz: [G] "Considering that he's only a Lieutenant though. I believe that he's also the finest the Royal Navy has to offer."

Erich: [G] "Right. Gentlemen, let's discuss about this Lieutenant later. Lütjens, please tell us more about your Operation Berlin."

Lütjens: [G] "Jawohl, Herr Großadmiral."

Lütjens: [G]​ "The plan was to sail Gneisenau and Scharnhorst through the Iceland - Faroe Islands passage to intercept convoys between Canada and Britain for a total of two months, Herr Großadmiral."

Raeder: [G] "I see. Avoid any direct engagement with British capital ships then."

Lütjens: [G] "Jawhol, Herr Großadmiral."

Raeder: [G] "Operation Berlin has been approved then. I will allocate the supply ships and tankers: Uckermark, Ermland, Schlettstadt, Friedrich Breme and Esso Hamburg to the operation."

Lütjens: [G] "Danke, Herr Großadmiral."

Raeder: [G]​ "Friedrich, I want you to employ the humanoids version of the Scharnhorst and the Gneisenau in this operation too."

Eleonore: [G]​ "Herr Großadmiral, so you wanted me to infiltrate the base of the Royal Navy's humanoids in Scapa Flow while the Royal Navy's Home Fleet was sent to intercept the real flotilla?"

Raeder: [G]​ "That was what I was just thinking about, Friedrich! I knew you were the right pick. Once the Home Fleet leaves its base, you can infiltrate it with your humanoids."

Eleonore: [G]​ "Jawhol, Herr Großadmiral."

Raeder: [G]​"I do believe you have a lot to talk about your U-boats, Dönitz."

Dönitz: [G]​ "Of course, Herr Großadmiral."

Eleonore P.O.V

Six years earlier...

14th of February 1935

     It was 6 am in the morning. I walked to Y/n room within the school dorm and knocked on his door. I didn't have to wait long for him to respond.

Y/n: "Eleonore? What's the matter?"

Eleonore: "Did you forget what we talked about yesterday?"

Y/n: "Oh yes, Valentine. I thought your guys don't celebrate that much like we do in Britain though?"

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