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Sorry it took so long. I wanted this chapter to be perfect and longer because finally Luke gets what he deserves.

Enjoy our crazy uncle Fred!


Genevieve's P.O.V

'When you're young, you're always wondering when you're actually going to feel like a grownup. And I think you probably fear it, in a sense too. There's a danger to feeling like an adult... like this whimsical kid in you is going to die or something. And then all of sudden, one day you kind of feel like an adult and it's really nice' - Drew Barrymore.

That wasn't the case here. Yes, I felt grownup. I probably had grown up over the last four months because no kid should experience what I have experienced. Though, feeling like an adult didn't feel nice. If this was how it felt, I wanted to go back to being a child and I wanted to just stay there.

"Your family is here." Luke said as came back from the foyer and approached me. He grabbed the knife from the table and placed himself over me, a foot on either side.

My family?

"They're gonna take you away from me." he said as he crouched down. I didn't move. I couldn't. I was too exhausted. It had been a long night and I was ready for him to just get it over with. To kill me so my soul could find peace. "If I can't have you, no one can."

He pinned my arm down against the floor, having it stretched out before he let the blade of the knife run over my skin but I didn't react.

"Let's see if little Mr Jordan will want you now." he said in a chilling tone. "Let's see if he will want someone who's marked as a slut."

When he finished, he threw the knife and grabbed my jaw with his bloody hands. I felt so weak. Tired. As if I could fall asleep at any given moment. I had lost so much blood and my entire body felt cold and tingly.

The pain wasn't as bad anymore. A moment ago, it hurt like fucking hell but now it was starting to feel better. I felt more at ease and my eyelids got heavier and heavier and just before they closed, I felt someone tackle Luke to the ground.

Fred junior's P.O.V

When Sammy and I found Vivi and Luke in the living room, he went mad. Luke was crouched over our sisters body. She was bleeding from her head, her arms, her leg, even her stomach and she looked to be almost unconscious.

I didn't try to stop Sammy. I didn't want to stop Sammy. I let him tackle Luke to the ground, I let him throw punches to his face repeatedly, earning some back as Luke fought back, trying to defend himself while wanting to do some more damage himself. I rushed to Vivi's side to see her eyes closed. It didn't look like she was breathing and I felt the panic rise inside of me but I had to stay calm if I wanted to save her.

I placed two fingers against her bloody neck and luckily there was a pulse, though it was faint. My eyes scanned her arms. Her sleeves were pulled up to her elbows and while she had multiple open cuts on one arm, the other had the words 'Slut for Parkinson' cut into the skin. The sight of my little sister like this made the tears fall over the edge and roll down my cheeks. I couldn't help but blame myself.

I knew he was hurting her and I didn't do more than talk to her and try to convince her to dumb him. I should've told someone. I should have talked to our parents, Professor McGonagall or Percy. I guess I was too scared of losing her trust so I did what she wanted me to and kept it a secret for her.

I pulled out my wand and pressed it lightly to her right arm.

"Ferula." I whispered and bandages shot out and wrapped rightly around the arm before I repeated it on her left arm, then her legs and lastly her stomach. I didn't know how to apparate so I all I could do was pull her into my arms and hold her until dad and uncle Fred would find us. I closed my eyes and rested my head against hers, crying silently.

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