Movies and Thunder storms

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It was 11:28 pm. A Friday as well. So both the boys where out of school for Saturday and Sunday. Since the two of them where off for two days like every week, they decided to watch a movie at Rantaro's house. Rantaro's parents where out of town at the moment so they where fine.

"So what movie do you wanna watch?" Rantaro asked Kokichi. "Hmmmm... how about Meagan is missing? I believe it's only on YouTube-" Kokichi explained. (I watched Meagan is missing not that long ago so yeah lmao)
"Alright. You like horror movies?" Rantaro said. "Of course I do! I love them! I mean, who wouldn't love them!" Kokichi excitedly exclaimed. Rantaro just chuckled and started the movie.

They where watching the movie while Kokichi was snuggled up right next to Rantaro. It was comfortable to Kokichi and Rantaro loves when Kokichi did this. But just out of the blue, they heard thunder. Kokichi HATED thunder. He was scared of it to. When I say scared, I mean scared. When Kokichi heard the thunder, Kokichi screamed for slight moment but then just covered his mouth to make his screaming stop. "Wth was that? Was that you Kokichi?" Rantaro asked the smaller boy. Kokichi replied with "No of course it wasn't me! It was probably just the movie. Why would the ultimate supreme leader be afraid of thun-" right before he said the last word more thunder went off. Kokichi screamed slightly again but covered his mouth. He was shaking slightly at this point.

"Are you sure that wasn't you?" Rantaro asked. "I-I'm sure!" Kokichi replied. A few minutes later even more thunder went off. But it was louder and longer this time. This time, he screamed again covering his mouth. The poor boy was shaking and on the urge of tears. Rantaro just grabbed Kokichi, put him in his lap, and hugged him tightly until the thunder stopped.

The thunder finally stopped and Rantaro checked up on Kokichi and saw he was asleep in his arms. Rantaro picked up Kokichi and went to there room. Rantaro placed Kokichi on the bed and put a blanket over the smaller. Rantaro got in bed with Kokichi and went on his phone for a bit. 10 minutes later Rantaro turned off his phone. He turned off his light and fell asleep with Kokichi in his arms.

424 words

Sorry this is so short! But I just got bored and wanted to write something- but I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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