Chapter 3

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Louis P.O.V

After 7th period it was time for lunch. I really want to sit with Harry but I need to be popular, I can't miss my chance to hang out with the popular guys, mabey I'll hang out with him after school. I got my lunch and sat down.

"He Louis." One of the popular girls said, I think her name was Elonor or somthing.

"Hi" I said as I sat down.

"Listen you can't hand around that Harry kid, if you want to be one of us." said Jon, the boy who asked me to sit here.

"OK,  he was just helping me with my work, I mean what are nerds for." I said and everone laughed. I looked around the lunch room trying to find Harry, I spotted him sitting alone at a Table, Looking right at me, we were staring at eachother for the rest of lunch.
*1 Month Later*

Its been one month sence my first day here, Im part of the football team (soccer), I am friends with everyone on the team, Harry and I see eachother everyday after school, and the popular kids have no idiea till today.

"Louis I like you ok, so im giving you one more worning, you can not hang out with Harry. Understand?" Jon said to me.

"Yes" I said to him.

"You better Louis because I sware I will kick you off the the team and make you the least poular kid in school, Just like I did to Harry when he didn't do as he was told."

"Ok I wont hang out with him anymore." I said meaning it, I can not become a nerd like Harry. I just don't know how im gonna be able to tell Harry this, I mean I'm sure he'll understand.

"I will let you tell him tonight." Jon said as I nodded. Some friend I am.

"Ok" was all I was able to say.
*after school*

Alright I have to tell Harry, I'm just scared, when Harry told me he was gay I couldn't belive it. In my old school I new I was gay but I couldn't say I was I would get bullied, but then I relized Harry gets bullied for being gay, I can't have that. So I texted him.
Can we hang out?

Within seconds he texted back.
From Harry:
Ya :P be there in a few!

Gosh he is such a dork. A few minuts passed and there was a nock on the door, I answerd it to see a cheeky smile on an adorable face that I love so much. Its going to be really hard to do this sence Harry lives right across the street.

"I don't think we should be friends!" We both said at the same time.

"wait what!" We both said again

"Jon talked to you?" We both said again.

"Ya!" We both said again. Well that was easey.

"Ok well i'll see you around I guess." I said

"Ya I guess." He said as he started but I grabed his coller and pulled him close to me, I could see the nervusness in his eyes, thats when I started leaning in, not even relising it. I punched him, ensted of kissing him,] I have to get ride of these feelings, I punched him right in the gut.

"Get up you worthless pice of crap!" I spat.

"Louis why are you doing this!" He said as he started to cry, I can't do this. NO! Louis you have to.

"Get out of my house FAG!" I spat, I can't belive I just said that. He ran out of my house in tears but right befor he did i wisperd in his ear.

"Tell anyone I will make sure your life is a living hell!" And with that he ran inside of his house.

"I have to get a girlfriend" I mumbled to myself, thats when IO remeberd Elonor, she's pretty ciut I guess, I mean I dont Like girls so shes ok, I guess. I called her, to ask if she wanted to go out

"YES!" she yelled in my ear, how is tonight at 8?" she asked.

"Perfect." I guess I have a date now, with a girl, never saw this coming.

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