Taking a Risk

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REQUEST by ​: I was wondering if you could write a imagine about the reader and Ron Weasley being really obvious that they have a crush on each other, but Harry and Hermione try to push them to get together? IDK but i <3 the work u do! Keep up the great work!!


It takes a lot of strength and time for a person to admit their true emotions and if emotions weren't complicated, maybe everything would be much easier.

You tried to ignore the butterflies and the uncomfortable heat on your cheeks as you were in the same room as him. Harry was digging deep into his potion's essay, as well as Hermione, who was reading so fast. Both you and Ron have been trying to write the assignment for Flitwick's class. He was sitting next to you, pretending to read the instructions for the assignment. Harry and Hermione already finished theirs, thanks to the brilliant Hermione Granger, who likes to finishe everything ahead. They had partnered up immediately after Flitwick said that the assignment must be done in pairs. Ron and you have decided to partner up as well.

That was harder than it sounded. Every time he was close to you, your body would tense up, your hands would become clammy and your cheeks were in this nice rosey colour. Every time you would glance at him, he was already watching you. His piercing blue eyes were soft on you, always were. The way he admired every little feature on you. The lines at the corners of your mouth whenever you smiled, the blush on your cheeks and the tension between your eyebrows. Every single bone in his body was telling him that everything pointed to him- that the blush on your cheeks were caused by him.

When you caught him staring it was his turn to blush. His freckles that matched his eyes so perfectly hid under the blush of his cheeks. Sometimes you could see it reach his ears that almost glowed in a red colour. Just like him, you thought that all the signs pointed at you- that maybe, just maybe, in a glimmer of hope, you were the cause of his frustration.

You'd bump into him- just gently enough to shake him out of his thoughts. He'd look at you with a grin and stared into your eyes until you felt your stomach twist and turn inside of you. It made you uncomfortable but excited in a pleasing way. You smiled and turned your eyes away, back into the book that you had to focus on but to God's will, you couldn't do it with his knee touching yours and spreading all sorts of feelings through your body.

Oh, he did it on purpase. He wasn't the shy, awkward kid you had met in your First year. No, something happened during the summer that made him so much more confident in himself. He'd bump his knee continuously, teasing you even.

You'd smile through your blush. "What are you doing?" you asked and he'd turn away with a grin.

"Looking." he dragged the word out as he flipped through the pages.

He looked up at Hermione, still grinning and it didn't last any second longer to let Hermione know what that meant. She moved her elbow a bit too fast until it hit the mug of tea and spilled it all over Harry's essay and his robes.

"Hermione!" Harry glared at her, feeling the boiling water scorch his skin. "That's my assig-"

"Oh, I'm so sorry Harry!" she quickly got up, catching all of your attention. "Here- let's go to my dorm. I think I have a book that can fix all of this." she pulled his sleeve but Harry pulled back.

"I have all of my stuff here. Can't you bring your book here." he started to calm down a bit yet a little bit of anger was still present in his tone.

Hermione couldn't believe his brain. "No, Harry. No, I cannot."

"Why not?" Harry kept looking as she continued to spread her eyes widely at him, glancing over at the pair.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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