Teenage Tragedy

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The next morning a breakfast, Hermione solemnly handed her the copy of the daily prophet. Hari looked down at the paper.

Teenage Tragedy, The Tri-Wizard Cup - Rita Skeeter

This year Hogwarts is hosting the dangerous Triwizard Tournament this year. Among the competitors are the Famous Viktor Crum, Cedric Digon, and the beautiful Flower Delcor and our favourite Girl-Who-Lived, miss Hari Potter.

The vulnerable young girl was just clamouring to get an interview with me about her feelings about entering, and how the poor deaf orphan's life is at school. Yes, in fact, the saviour of the world is deaf.... tragic in my opinion, what would her parents think of her.

Here with me today is the 11 year old wonder herself, miss Hari Potter. Also know as the Girl Who Lived, vanquisher of He Who Must Not Be Named whilst still only a baby. She sits in front of me, an ugly scar, souvenir of a tragic past, disfigures the otherwise innocent pretty face of Hari Potter, whose sparkling emerald eyes are so filled with sadness and fear. Fear for being selected for a role in a perilous tournament way over her head with adult wizards and witches.

It is still unknown how this young girl entered such an advanced tournament. However rules are rules, and now the 12 year old girl now has to fight her way through obstacles way too hard for her.

What do you think about having to fight in such a risky tournament?

"I'm terrified," miss Potter answered, after asking me to write the question down so she could understand me. "I am not prepared for what's coming and the other champions are soo much older and more powerful."

At the scared look on her face, I took her hand in my comfortingly, and a small smile appear on her face. Tears formed in her beautiful emerald eyes as our conversation turned to the parents she could barely remember.

What do you think your parents would feel about all this? Do you think you are like them in any way?

Hari looked up at me after reading my words, crying silently as she thought of her family of the past.

"I think my parents would be proud if they saw me know, I get my strength from them, albeit though I have my weakness."

With that she pointed to the paper she was currently writing these words upon.

"I know nothing will hurt me during the tournament, because they're watching over me"

Do you think that being deaf will hinder you at all in the upcoming tasks?

At this the young girl burst into silent tears. 

"I can barley do magic, my spells, i'm not strong enough to do true non verbal spells, so they're always weak."

Unfortunately our interview was cut short, but I did manage to get some interviews with a few of her friends.

"Hari's a sweet girl," says Susan Bones, a Hufflepuff, "However she's super shy and often sad about how hard life is for her."

But do not fear, Hari seems to have found love at Hogwarts! Her close friend Colin Creevy has informed us she is often seen hanging around and being protected by non other than her fellow champion, the incredibly handsome Cedric Digon.

"They hang around each other a lot, he stands up against people being mean to her, and they can often be seen studying together." says tiny Colin Creevy, a third year "It's nice to see her so happy, compared to her usual sadness."

Hari left the hall, tears in her eyes, trying her best to ignore all the badges flashing at her from all over the hall.

• • •

Life became even worse for Hari after Rita Skeeter had published her piece about the Triwizard Tournament. From the moment the article had appeared, Hari had had to endure people --Slytherins, mainly -- quoting it at her as she passed and making sneering comments

"Want a hanky, Potter, in case you start crying in Transfiguration?"

"Since when have you been one of the top students in the school, Potter? Or is this a school you and Longbottom have set up together?"

Cedric had come in to a fair amount of unpleasantness too, but he mainly just ignored them. In fact Hari was full of admiration for the way he was handling the situation. He had taken to walking with her, so the brunt of the attacks, like helping her cheat at the tournament in exchange for her attention, could be thrown at him instead of her. It did nothing for the flying rumours, but Hari appreciated it none the less.  

Hari's feeling of barely controlled panic was with her wherever she went, as ever present as the snide comments about the Daily Prophet article.

On the Saturday before the first task, all students in the third year and above were permitted to visit the village of Hogsmeade. Hermione told Hari that it would do her good to get away from the castle for a bit, and she didn't need much persuasion.

The Three Broomsticks was packed, mainly with Hogwarts students enjoying their free afternoon, but also with a variety of magical people Hari rarely saw anywhere else. Hari supposed that as Hogsmeade was the only all-wizard village in Britain, it was a bit of a haven for creatures like hags, who were not as adept as wizards at disguising themselves.

Hari made her way through the three broomsticks with her collar turned up to avoid people's gazes. She passed Ron, who was sitting with Seamus and Dean, noting that he still had a POTTER STINKS badge on his chest. Blinking away tears, she joined the twins at their table.

"Hey there lover girl, enjoy spending time with pretty boy Diggory don't ya?" George said as she took a seat beside him. Fred said nothing, staring moodily at his butter beer.

#) Geeooorrggeeee........ not you too.... he's just my friend.... (#

George just laughed.

#) Is Fred alright? (# Hari asked.

"Yeah, just a bit bothered."

#) With? (#


"Nothing!" Fred said quickly, covering his twin's mouth. "I'm absolutely peachy."

Hermione arrived with two butter beers, and started attempting to get the twins to join S.P.E.W.... Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, to which they just laughed. 

Just then Hari noticed Cho and a large group of her Ravenclaw friends, and for some reason, a flutter of butterflies appeared in her stomach. Cho wasn't wearing a POTTER STINKS badge. . . . This cheered up Hari up though she wasn't sure why......

Poor Hari, so oblivious..... Ron noooooooo....... Welp no more exams for a bit so I will hopefully update more often! Yay!

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