16- Leaky Cauldron

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You found out the Weasleys won the Daily Prophet Draw and were going to Egypt which you thought was great, your summer was going rather well except when Aunt Marge would come over. Marge liked you since you were quiet and never talked back to her and it's not that you liked her cause you didn't but you just didn't want to deal with her attitude.

"Harry come on, she's coming. Wake up" you shook him.

"(y/n) please another five minutes"

"I wish I could but you know how Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia get. So let's go"

"Is she bringing her dog?" He asked as he sat up.

"Yes of course. She never goes anywhere without Ripper"

"Bloody hell that woman and her dog are going to be the end of me (y/n), she's worse than Uncle Vernon" He stood up and headed to his trunk to get his hoodie.

"Hey can you pass me my sweater? It's in my trunk"

"Of course" He opened your trunk and got the first sweater he saw. "Here you go" he said, throwing the sweater at you.

"Wait this isn't mine" you said, looking at the sweater.

"Who's it then?"

"Ohhh I remember. It's George's sweater" you thought back to the day he slept with you on the couch and how you felt safe when he wrapped his arm around you. You still had nightmares but Harry was now the one who helped you and it somehow made your bond stronger, the two of you were a lot closer. The two years at Hogwarts were great but the bond with you and Harry had weakened, both of you were busy in your own classes, hung out with different people and didn't really talk a lot so you were happy to see your bond grow stronger.

"Why do you have his sweater?" He said in a demanding tone. Even though Harry was younger he had grown to be protective of you, especially if it had to do with boys.

"The first night I had a nightmare he came down looking for his sweater but then I fell asleep and I took it and I forgot to give it back"

"Well are you going to wear it?"

"Well duh dummy I have it right here might as well wear it"

"Okay but-"

"HARRYY, (Y/NN) hurry up and start setting everything up Aunt Marge will be coming in a few minutes" Petunia yelled.

"Let's go" you both hurried down the stairs. Harry started to set up the table while you started serving the food on the plates. You and Harry of course weren't allowed to eat with them and knew Harry would be hungry so when Aunt Petunia and Dudley went upstairs to get ready you called Harry.

"Come here quickly" You gave Harry a spoon and you both started eating quickly.

"This is good (y/n)"

"I know right"

"Oh (y/n) did you ask Professor Mcgonagall before we left?" Harry was going to go into his third year which meant he was allowed to go to Hogsmeade but he needed a parent or guardian to sign his permission slip but since he didn't want to ask Uncle Vernon he asked you to sign it. Not sure if you could sign it, you went and asked Professor McGonagall before leaving Hogwarts.

"Yes Harry I did. Unfortunately I can't. She said it has to be a legal guardian and even though I'm older and look over you, I'm still just your sister. So you are going to have to ask Uncle Vernon"

"Bloody hell but-"


"Harry!! Open the door" Petunia yelled. He quickly made his way to open the door once he did in came Aunt Marge with her bulldog Rippers. She took off her coat and handed it to you. "Hang this will you"

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