Chapter 13: The Final Battle

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The next day had come, and it was time for Tiifu's first hunt. The pride wished her good luck before leaving to hunt down perfect prey as in custom. She later returned with a zebra in tow and celebrated by eating the meat. Each of the young adult lionesses from Kiara's age had their first hunt after Tiifu and were congratulated by the pride; the pride congratulated Kiara for completing her first hunt on the day they had their first battle. And today is a special day for the pride. The day Nala gets to pick who'll be the next leader of the hunting party and who will be a backup leader, and the second leader.

"We're gathered here today to announce the future roles for these young lionesses who had completed their first solo hunt recently." Said Nala, "And we, as a pride, are proud of the accomplishments they've done as huntresses and pride members." She paused as she looked at each of the young adult lionesses (Except for Nuru, who's still too young to join the hunting party) and gave them a proud smile as Queen of the pride lands. "Kiara, Vitani, Tiifu, and Zuri, please step forward." She addressed the four lionesses as they obeyed and walked towards Nala with smiles on their faces. She motioned them to stop as the four lionesses sat down in front of her.

"It is time to choose which one of you will be a leader." Nala declared, looking at each lioness. Kiara had crossed her paws, hoping she'll be the leader since her mother is the Queen and she's a princess. She begins praying silently to the Great Kings that she'll be the leader.

"The leader of the hunting party will be Kiara!" Nala said.

Everyone begins cheering for the princess while Kiara was beaming with pride. She is now the leader of the hunting party.

"Congratulations, Kiara." Said Zuri.

"I knew you'd be a leader of the hunting party." Said Tiifu.

"Way to go, Kiki." Said Vitani, patting Kiara on the back.

"Thanks, you three." Said Kiara.

Nala raised her paw to get everyone to stop talking, "Now, I wasn't quite done yet. The backup leaders of the hunting party are Tiifu and Zuri. And the second leader of the hunting party is Vitani. Now, let's give it up for these four young lionesses."

Everyone cheered again for Kiara, Vitani, Tiifu, and Zuri. They're happy with the roles that are chosen for them. The hunting party leader will give out instructions on when to stalk and lead the lionesses to chase after the prey. The second leader will choose which animal from a herd to hunt for each day and give out instructions to surround the herd without alerting them. The backup leaders will take over for the first leader or second leader if they cannot hunt or just be absent; they'll do the same thing as the first and second leaders do.

Nala walked over towards her daughter and gave her a nuzzle, "You'll be a great leader out there, sweetie."

"Thanks, mom." Said Kiara.

"We're so proud of you, Kiara," Simba said, with Kion and Nuru walking towards the mother and daughter pair.

"Yeah, you'll do great out there when you start hunting with the lionesses." Nuru chimed in.

"Great job, sis." Said Kion.

"Thanks." Said Kiara.

Kion walked over towards Tiifu and nuzzled her gently, "You have a great position too, Tiifu." He tells her, "If Kiara or Vitani is unable to lead, then you and Zuri will be able to lead until they're ready to hunt again."

"Yeah, and I'm proud of being a backup leader." She said, feeling proud of herself. "I mean, Kiara and Vitani are great leaders, but Zuri and I deserved credit too."

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