[ 16 ] Rainy night again

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𝘼𝙠𝙖𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞 𝙆.

Can we talk?
Come over, please?
Seen 7:18 pm

It had been roughly 30 minutes since you sent that text, and still, no reply from him.

You groaned. What the hell did you do to make him this upset? God, now it's upsetting you. You had already finished cooking your dinner but still, no reply from the pretty boy Akaashi.

You sat down comfortably on the floor, turning the TV on while you held a bowl of rice to your face and the other food you cooked were on the coffee table. You silently ate your food, watching your favorite cartoon show.

A little while later, you heard a knock from the door. Thinking nothing of it, you stood up and made your way to the door and opened it just to reveal a flushed, soaking wet Akaashi, much like that night Bokuto texted you that he was coming over. Although he had the hood of his jacket over his head, his face was still dripping wet of the raindrops. You looked behind him and your eyes widened. It was raining hard. There must have been a storm coming but you failed to watch the news.

You quickly pulled Akaashi in, closing the door behind him. "Y-You idiot! Why are you here when it's clearly raining hard?!" You reprimanded, taking off his jacket and hanging it to dry.

You faced him and sighed. "There's tea on the counter. Make yourself at home. I'll look for some clothes you can use." Before you ran up to your room, you noticed the clothes he was wearing were the ones you let him borrow that night he was drenched from the rain as well. You couldn't help but smile, quickly running to your room.

Akaashi removed his shoes on the foyer, heading to the living room. He had memorized your practically small apartment by now. He had been here a few times already, considering the times he's walked you home. A smile etched its way in the corner of his mouth, seeing as everything in your apartment was still in place. He figured you to be someone who doesn't like change and that's why you always kept everything in the same place.

He made his way to the counter where the tea was just like you said, and poured himself a cup. Somehow, being in your apartment comforted him more than when he was at home. He didn't have any siblings, so the pressure he had of being an only child grew heavy in his mind. He just wants to make his parents happy but they made it hard for him.

You were his escape from reality, although he didn't want you to be just that. If he ever had the chance to tell you that, he didn't want you to feel as if you were some kind of drug he could use only when he feels like complete shit. No, he wanted you to be there with him through the good times and bad. But that wasn't a one-side decision. He knew you should feel the same way as well.

Finally finding clothes that could fit Akaashi, you made your way to the living room to see him drinking tea. He had both his palms wrapped around the cup in hopes of finding warmth in it. You smiled weakly, Akaashi is smart but somehow dumb as well. It had been raining hard yet he came here still. You couldn't blame him though, you did text him to come over. But you didn't think he'd come here despite it raining.

"Akaashi," you called out to him, extending your arm to give him the clothes. "Go dry yourself and change." You instructed.

He turned around to face you, a smile wanting to escape but he tried his best to hide it. He nodded, taking the clothes from your hold and mumbling a quick 'thank you' before going to the bathroom to change. He came back to find you finishing up the dinner you had prepared for yourself.

He stood there, hands in the pockets of the jogging pants you had given him to wear, admiring the natural state you were in. You had your glasses on, eyes fixated on the TV, your hair in a messy bun and you were wearing your typical baggy shirt and short shorts.

"I hung my clothes to dry," Akaashi cleared his throat, startling you in the middle of you feeding yourself rice with your chopsticks.

"God, Akaashi, could you be more loud or something? That scared the soul out of me." You scrunched your nose, finishing up your plate of food. "Have you eaten dinner?"

Akaashi nodded his head, even though he wanted to try some of your cooking. You were very independent for your age and Akaashi highly admired that.

You brought all your plates to the sink and started washing them. Akaashi was still in view, considering the living room, dining room and kitchen were not divided with some kind of wall. The sink faced towards the living room so you could see Akaashi sitting on the couch.

"Do your parents know you're here, Akaashi? You might get in trou-"

"I told them I have a project to work on with Bokuto-san." He cut you off, closing his eyes and sinking himself deeper in the couch looking for warmth in your little apartment. You smiled at the sight of him, feeling your heart flutter.

When you finally finished washing your dishes, you dried your hands and sat a few inches away from Akaashi. You two now had all the time to talk.

"Why are you here, Akaashi?" You slumped your shoulders, still worried about his health. "You might get sick, you idiot."

"You're the one who texted me to come over, L/n." He said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice, smirking.

"I didn't think you'd come. You didn't reply, anyway. And I didn't know it was raining. If I had known, I wouldn't have texted you." You crossed your arms, huffing.

"I'm here now, aren't I?" He turned his face to look at you, his blue metallic eyes now piercing through your e/c orbs. Just looking at him made your heart do backflips and a somersault that if you were in a gymnastics competition you'd surely win.

You looked away, not wanting to be enthralled by his gaze. "You shouldn't have come, Akaashi. You might get sick and I'm to blame." You scrunched your nose again, sighing.

There was an eerie silence between the two of you, only the sound of the TV was heard. You didn't know where to start. Were you just supposed to ask him what made him upset? Or what he meant with everything he did last Friday? Your thoughts were cut off when he took your hand and intertwined it with his.

"L/n," he called out, putting a hand on your chin and shifting your head to face him. "Tell me honestly," he paused once more, caressing your cheek with his thumb.

You pursed your lips. Akaashi's face was once again mere inches away from yours and you swore you could feel your heart melt. You smelled his familiar scent mixed with the smell of rain, and it comforted your racing heart.

He brought his face closer to yours, the tips of your noses touching and he stopped there. His breath trickled your mouth before he spoke. "Do you have feelings for me?"

Meant to Be - Akaashi K.Where stories live. Discover now