Mission: Jack

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     The car drive from the workplace to Jack's house was 20 minutes, give or take. During that time, I tried to compose myself. My hands were still jittery from what I've done, and my thoughts were scrambled. Not only that, but I kept on getting calls from my brother Liu. Of course I didn't pick any of them up. But it was an incessant beeping in the background.  What made me even more nervous than that was the strange presence of police cars that past by me back and forth. In this shitty down, I hardly see the police. Does anyone suspect me?! Considering I'm driving a car, I couldn't let myself have a panic attack. So what I did instead? Shot back a few shots of liquor while I was driving (AUTHOR'S NOTE: DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE CHILDREN!). 

     Thankfully, as I arrived at Jack's house, there didn't seem to be any policemen around. There was only one car, and I suspected it was Jack's mother's car. I parked the car on the curb of the street, a good distance away from the house. I quietly opened the door, and closed it shut with the keys still in the ignition. This was going to have to be quick... 

     I scampered across Jack's lawn and made it to the front door in seconds. It was pretty dark outside, so hopefully no one saw me. I knocked a couple times on the door, hoping that Jack could hear me. After several seconds, there was no answer. I knocked again, a little harder, and the door swung slowly open upon my impact on the door. 

     "Hello?" I muttered quietly, hesitantly letting myself in the house. I closed the door shut behind me as I cautiously investigated the house. It did not take long for me to hear cries in the kitchen. It sounded like a woman. "Hello?" I called again, but it did not seem like anyone had heard me. I tiptoed towards the agonized cries. And then I heard Jack. He seemed to be trying to comfort someone. I peeped my head towards the kitchen to see Jack's mother on the phone, breaking up in cries. Jack stood next to her, patting her back. His mom had a tissue rested against her nose, and her eyes were squinted with sorrow. On the other hand, Jack's face looked numb... I couldn't read the expression on his face. I did note, however, how disheveled and tired his appearance looked.

    I had not been being careful, unfortunately, as I slipped on the linoleum floor of the kitchen, creating a ruckus. Both heads turned to me, shock apparent on their faces. Ungracefully, I lifted myself back onto my feet, holding my hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry for intruding, " I murmured, "But I tried knocking on the door and nobody answered." I started walking towards them, or more like Jack. Oddly enough, both of them took steps further back from me. "What is it?" They looked at me as though I was growing a second head. His mother looked absolutely horrified... Jack just looked sad. I took a look at myself, completely dumbstruck as to why they were behaving the way they were. 

     Ah shit. 

     My hoodie and face was still soaked in his own father's blood. Stupid, stupid, stupid Jeff!!! "I can explain!" I cried. But then I thought about it for a second... and I couldn't after all explain myself without saying, "Ah, yes, I killed your father." I mean, what was I thinking!! I somehow, deep down, knew this would be a mess. My hands and legs began to tremble with the anxiety. I kept opening and closing my mouth, trying to come up with an excuse. And, after all that has happened lately, my skull felt like it was going to burst with my thoughts that would refuse to console me. 

    Jack's mother threw herself against the furthermost wall away from me, looking even more terrified than ever. If possible, her whole body began to tremble more than mine. She couldn't even come up with words... just mumbled gasps. Well, I guess her husband and her have that in common. But Jack stood where he was left. I tried to read his expression, but my vision began to go hazy again. 

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