Chapter 6

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Not seen right now perhaps a truth,

But it always returns with a strewth.

We sat at the coffee table across from each other with a single bowl of milk in it between us. It was about 10 pm and getting late now, and Chris was starting to get drowsy.

'It's getting late.' Chris said. 'What is it you wanted to show me?' He stared at the bowl questioning its existence, and up to me wondering what the relation was.

'I think it is best I just show you.' I told him. 'It's hard to explain.'

Up until now I had been avoiding milk since the mess I had made of the supermarket, and I was acutely aware of it before me. I could feel my heart beating faster. I leant forward putting my palms to the side of the bowl, and closed my eyes.

'Oh, is this some kinda magic trick your dad showed you today?' He asked enthusiastically. 'I love magic tricks.'

'Quiet.' I demanded. 'This requires focus.'

A minute passed while I tried to "open" my mind, or something like that. I am not really sure how to explain it. I extended my will outward, through my arms and down into the bowl. It felt like my bodied quivered slightly like an electric current ran through my body. Slowly and gradually it felt as if the liquid became one with me surrendering control, at least partially, over its form and function. I decided I was ready, it was time. I channelled a vision in my mind of a swirling waterspout slowly creeping upwards out of the bowl and into the air like a tornado in reverse. I could feel the weight in the bowl being distributed around gently suggesting movement but simultaneously, I feared to open my eyes. The doubt plagued my mind somewhat, last time I tried to do it on purpose nothing happened. I couldn't determine any reaction from Chris thus far, whether he sat mesmerised or was simply silently waiting for something to happen. Despite my phobia I stayed committed to the task however. I would not, could not afford to fall into emotion this time: Chris could get hurt. But I also knew I'd have to bite the bullet sooner or later, open my eyes to confirm it was happening, or to see a confused Chris still staring at me waiting. I firmed my resolve and re-entered the world from my mind opening my eyes, and what I saw was more incredible than I had even imagined. The column of milk spun upward in front on me, reaching 2 feet tall over the coffee table. Its shape twisted and turned slightly flexing around under its own pressure. The whorl stood so tall the volume was spread thin.

'Whoa.' I exclaimed. And a second later it collapsed returning to inanimate fluid splashing all over the wooden table. 'Oh shit sorry.' I panicked. 'I'll go grab a cloth to clean it up.'

My attention was redirected. I wiped up the milk concerned about the wood possibly getting stained. When I finally looked up to see how Chris had reacted, his eyes were wide open and mouth ajar. I am not sure how he was processing it exactly, but he was definitely wide awake now. He looked at me straight in the eyes without saying anything for a moment.

'Um, are you ok?' I asked Chris. Suddenly he leapt to his feet stepped forward and had his hands clutched on my shoulders.

'W-what?' I asked in a panic.

'Bro!' He shouted. 'You have superpowers!?


'Like are you a telepathic?' He continued

'No, I don't think—'

'Or is it like a water bending type deal?' He went on.

'I don't think I can do it with water—'

'Maybe it is a weather power like Storm from the X-Men.' He yet further carried on.

'Enough!' I shouted with a furrowed brow, pulling away from him. Sick of being interrupted, I broke free of his grip and slouched back onto the couch and tilted my head back looking at the ceiling. 'Sorry. I'm not mad. This has just been a long stressful week for me.'

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