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It's Tuesday and I'm at school sitting at our lunch table. Kiri is looking super stressed out on something.

"Hey kiri, is something bothering you?" I ask him.

"Hmm? Oh nothing I'm great!" He smiled quickly.

"Ok well let me know if that changes." I smiled and go back to eating my food.


We made it to our hero course class finally.

"Today you will be training, go get in your hero costumes and meet on the field. Go" Aizawa said ordering us.

"Yes sir." We all replied.


"Ok everyone, today's simple, pick a partner to spar with and practice hand to hand combat while using your quirks. Pick a spot and start, you have until the end of class." Aizawa explained to us.

I walked up to Katuski and leaned my arm on his shoulder.

"Wanna fight with me?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Why would I want to do that?" He scoffed.

"Hmph, rude. I guess your just scared I'll beat you." I shrugged my shoulders and started to walk away.


"Oh yeah? Prove it." I teased.

"I WILL!" He said stomping away to a place we can fight.

I took my stance and decided to use my wind control quirk. Gathering wind around me and putting in a "ball" in my hands.

"Don't go easy on me now." I reminded him.

"Trust me, I won't." He smirked.

He came running at me and then blasted in the air to get the high ground.

I made a shield made of air that covered over my head. He landed behind me and blasted my back.

I turn around and hit him with a powerful ball of wind but he only slid back a few feet.

"Fuck, this quirk isn't a good match for him." I thought to myself. I quickly change to my manifestation quirk, and get wings and sharp talon like fingers.

I fly up and he blast just as high as me. As he goes in for a blast to my face, I dodge it and quickly fly behind him. While I'm behind him I kick his back really hard towards the ground. He fell onto the ground but blasted up quickly.

After he hit me with a explosion we were both on the ground. We both start doing hand to hand combat while staying on the ground. Somehow I manage to get him on the ground so I took this as an opportunity to pin him.

I quickly jump and tackle him, pinning his arms to the ground and his legs.

"Got ya." I smirked.

"Shut up." He said annoyed that he lost.

He threw me off of him and we walked to the side to take a break.

I got some water and was catching my breath on the sidelines while watching everyone else train.


"Ok class, good job today and I have an announcement. Next week you will be off of school for thanksgiving break. Use some of that time to train if you can. Also since the winter is coming up your winter hero costumes will be arriving Next month on December 1st. Class dismissed." Aizawa said releasing us.

I changed back into my uniform and then walked with katsuki to the dorms. Well I didn't walk. He gave me a piggyback ride cause I made him.

"Onward to my room!" I said pointing forward.

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