Bound to the Twin Hybrids EDITED!!

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As I walk through the school building to find Keva I feel my brother's emotions. Joy, lust, love, and sorrow and so on. I mentally shake my head. This idiot better not be screwing anything up. I'm making chances for him right now. I then walk up to my sister Riley seeing her flirting with a group of men..

I shake my head fustratedly.

Seriously? We are in college now and she still acts like she's in high-school!

I sighed to myself.

This is my fault as a brother I should have taken more care of her.

"Riley where is Keva?"

She grunts at me.

"Your LUNA is in the girls bathroom fixing her face that bit-

I snarled at her. She must've forgot that Kiara is also my mate... well was mated to me.

"Watch who you talk about or your face is gonna end up the same as your friend. And you should pick your friend groups better."

As I left my baby sister to her own thoughts I walked inside the girls bathroom without caring there was squealing girls yelling. As I walk inside I hear Keva's voice.

"I swear to God If I run into her again I'll-!"

"You'll do what?" I said tiredly as I leaned on the door.

She turned around quickly.

"Hi! Why are you here?"

"I need to talk to you...Alone."

Her friends scurried out of the bathroom leaving us alone in the silence.

"Are you here to lecture me? Look I'm not in the mood for it my lip still hurts from that b-


"Why are you yelling at me?! I'm the one who's injured! I should beat her ass next time!"

"Who's ass are you gonna beat if they already fucked you up?!"

She snarled at me. "So you got jokes now asshole?"

I sighed. "But that's not the reason I came into the girls bathroom."

She glares then crosses her arm nodding her head.

"Why are you here then?"

"My brother won't be mated to you anymore."

"What?" She turned and gave me a look. "What the hell does that mean?"

"You should reject him or let him reject you. You know he doesn't have feelings for you anywa-



She quieted down as I continued. "You are a chosen. He was forced to be bonded to you. By our me. He hasn't even completed the bonding process with you. Just let him be with his mate."

"You mean her don't you." She chuckled humorlessly before glaring at me. "Let me ask you something Cody. You were also bonded to her. What does she mean to you?" Before I could answer she cuts me off. "Better yet Cody do you also have feeling for her?"

I opened my mouth but struggled to make any retort for those two questions. "This is about Kadin not me."

"Really Cody? Is this how you are going to play this right now?!"

I felt fustration bubble within me. "You haven't exactly been a peach either Keva. You can be a bully when you don't get what you want. Just like now."

"I'm not being a bully!" She yelled fustratedly. "I'm trying to see why I should give up one of my mates for her?!"

"He does not want you!" I stressed out.

"Because you encouraged him!" She glared at me as she continued. "Don't think I didn't hear you in the hallway! You encouraged him to pursue her and leave me! Instead of talking to me!"

"What good would talking do if its not working now!"

"The reason it's not working is because you both are making excuses! The only reason you are encouraging him to purse her is because she's had this whole big revamp that makes you want to treasure her now than before!"

"Keva that's not true-

"BULLSHIT!" She comes closer and stands face to face in front of me. "If you  could have a do over and choose between me and Kiara who would you choose?"

"Keva are you serious right now-

"IF YOU HAD TO CHOOSE BETWEEN KIARA AND ME WHO WOULD YOU CHOOSE." She said more forcefully than before. This time again I didn't know how to answer.

"I see." I didn't say anything as she shook her head. "I'll break my bond with Kadin but not with you."

I sighed feeling a bit of relief and bitterness. "Okay."

"Oh and Cody?"

I gazed up at her. "Yes?"

She stopped at the doorway and turned back to me. "Whatever your feelings for her are remember why the both of you started hating her in the first place. It'll make it easier for you."

I watched as she left. Feeling a set of uncomfortable emotions. I walked down the hallways as I leave the building and sit in my car. Tired I start getting ready to leave until I hear 2 voices I haven't heard in a while.

"Seems like you have alot on your mind."

Ryder said nonchalantly but looks at me with fustration.

I nod my head slowly.

"I regret everything I did 2 years ago...I handled that situation wrong."

"You did."

Just then Faze emerges from my head. Hissing at me in anger with some hatred pouring in.

"You don't know what you fuckups did 2 years ago! Your asses could have killed my ONLY mate! The only one I would ever have while being stuck in your damn body!"

Ryder nods his head in agreement and snarls at me.

"You could have not only killed Kiara, but us along with her. I might have been able to survive but since you have demon blood in you Faze could have gone on a rampage and ripped all 3 of us into shreds. Did you forget that genetic demons get a very slim chance of having a mate?"

I stare at Faze and Ryder with regret and shame. These 2 have both raised me but Faze and King emerged first for us when we were 3 years old. Faze and Ryder became a father/ brother figure to me and my brothers counterparts to him.

"You are the main cause of all this! Kadin only follows what you and you know this. You better be thankful she's still alive or after this year me and King would have killed you and your brother! I wasn't going to let that loose tire mating with me and giving birth to my kids!" He says the last sentence while looking at my incredibly. Like why did I even tolerate the idea of forcibly making him mate with Keva and think he won't lash out.

Ryder looks in a daze.

"I was honestly planning to kill Keva first than everyone and myself... I was going to do it next month.."

I shake my head in annoyance. Because as creepy as it sounds... I know the pair would really do it. Ryder seemed to have went through some deep depression and Faze just growing anger. It would've ended badly.

"OK I get it."

Faze continued.

"You had no reason to reject her and just projected you'd own anger and insecurities on your brother. But I guess you are trying to help him."

"So we cool?"

Faze nods.

"For now. Let's go home and meet our brother."

𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐲𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐬(𝐁𝐰𝐰𝐦)Where stories live. Discover now