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"You're awfully quiet," Jason looked up at his daughter, watching her eat the breakfast he had made for her that morning as Kai shrugged, "Ever since you got back you've been acting off."

"Dad I don't want to live in this town anymore," Kai replied, looking up at him as his smile faded, "I hate it."

"What do you mean you hate it?"

"What has it got to offer me?" She asked, "I don't want to be stuck here forever, grow up without actually experiencing living life, I want to live somewhere else for once."

"What because Corbyn showed you the good parts of it?" Jason asked her as she immediately sighed, looking back down at her food, "He didn't show you the bad sides of it, you've just seen the romanticised version of it."

"I'm eighteen, I can move if I want to," Kai shrugged.

"You're not leaving this town Kai."

"I can if I want to-"

"You're not leaving." Jason interrupted her, shaking his head, "Not to run back to Corbyn anyway."

"Why don't you trust him? He brought me back in one piece, I'm not hurt." Kai argued.

"He shouldn't have taken you in the first place," He said.

"I was leaving anyway! He showed up as I went to leave so we left together, none of that was his idea."
Kai explained to her dad, noticing him go completely silent, "Why can't you just want what makes me happy for once? Mom would want me to do this."

"Your mom would've wanted you to stay," He folded his arms.

"Mom wanted to travel the world," Kai told him, "I just want to do what she wanted to do and you're trying to hold me back."

"I'm protecting-"

"You're hurting me."

"Kai stop being so selfish!" Jason replied, putting his head in his hands, "Corbyn is a bad influence, he's a celebrity, he's going to make you move out there and then break you into pieces and you'll have no one to come crawling back to, you're not seeing him again."

"You don't trust him because he's a celebrity?" Kai asked, "Not the fact that he makes me happy, he keeps me safe, he doesn't let me get hurt or attacked by the camera people when we were in LA, just because he's a celebrity?"

"It's easy to fake your feelings for someone," Jason looked at her, "You're eighteen, what do you know?"

"I know enough to want to move out the town." Kai argued, "I'll still come visit! It's not like I'm running away and not coming back, I can visit for holidays."

"You're staying for Christmas." Jason said.

"So I can move after Christmas? The girl raised her eyebrows, watching her father shake his head as she rolled her eyes and sank back into her chair.

"You're not going anywhere." He told her, getting up and taking her plate over to the kitchen sink.

"You're never going to support me are you?" Kai sighed, turning to face him, "The one time I want to do something for myself and I found someone who I enjoy spending time with and I actually am happy with, you get in the way."

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