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Hari awoke slowly, her head hurt. She was so comfortable. Her face was on something soft and warm. She tried to stretch, but found there was something holding her in place.

She opened her eyes, all she saw was green, which was strange seeing as her whole room was red.

She green shifted, and she saw that the green was in fact a shirt. She sat up to look at who it was, and the world suddenly spun. Her head felt like it was about to explode. The memories of the night before came crashing down again, and Hari felt as her veins froze over with fear again. She had two days, two days to learn to fight a Dragon. She curled into a ball, shivering.

She felt hands on her shoulders, shaking her, but barely noticed over twisted knot in her gut. Drowning in the cold cold ice in her mind.

[Draco's POV]

Draco blinked, waking suddenly as the small girl next to him suddenly curled up into a ball and started shaking. 

"Hari!" wait no that was useless,

He put his hands on her shoulders, trying to get her attention. She looked up at him, then collapsed. He managed to catch her before she fell off the bed onto the floor.

She looked up at him drowsily, holding her head... 

#) I'm going to the hospital wing- (# She said as she stood up, but barely made it 10 steps before slumping to the floor.

He jumped out of bed, running to where she lay on the floor. She wasn't moving, he leaned over her, her breath was coming in short gasps. He picked her up, dashing out of the room. 

In an empty hallway he took her right hand, making her touch her invisible bracelet, turning her back into herself. As he did, he felt how feeble her heartbeat was was. 

His own pounding in his chest in fear, he sprinted to the hospital wing.

Bursting in the door, he ran to the back of the ward. "Madam Pompfrey!"

"Malfoy? What's-" She stopped as she saw Hari, picking her easily and placing her on a bed, immediately running diagnostic scans. "What you do to Hari!?"

"Nothing..." he managed to swallow his fear down, forcing an annoyed look onto his face. "I found Potter here lying on the ground in an empty corridor."

She nodded, "Expecto Patronum." A small bird burst out of the end of her wand, flying away. Shortly after, Severus appeared.

"Severus, finally!" The frazzled medi-witch said as the potions master swept into the room.

"What's happened?"

"I believe she was slipped two potions that didn't react well but I can't figure out which ones." The witch wrung her hands. "She's barely breathing!"

Severus nodded, whipping out his own wand, his face a mask of calmness. Draco watched from the corner of the ward he's been exiled to as the man muttered, tracing her still form. "potio inveniet..... venenum auxilium... nocumentum autem... quod provenit....."

• • •

Finally, after what seemed like tedious nerve wracking hours, he looked back up.

"Someone slipped her a dizzyness draught at supper last night, and she consumed a wit sharpening potion sometime between 8:30 and midnight last night. They reacted badly." He rummaged around in his pockets before pulling out a stoppered vial. He poured the contents into her mouth, and as Draco watched, she shifted slightly. 

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