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I wonder if I had a funeral

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I wonder if I had a funeral.

That's my current 4am thought.

While a small part of me thought that my death sobered my parents up on how harsh they were and gave me a service out of guilt and/or love, a larger part of me knew they most likely didn't, and even if they did it wouldn't be because they loved me but rather to keep up with their appearances.

God, I need to sleep. Why am I even thinking about them?

My head was throbbing with a dull pain, it's been at least five days since I've properly slept, not including the cat naps I took when my body had enough and broke down.

I honestly can't remember the last time I got a full night's rest without the help to sleeping pills.

Groaning, I looked over to the alarm clock once more, as if time will go by faster if I do.


Were the numbers blinking at me in its angry red shade. The numbers seemed to mock me, making fun of the fact I'm still awake. Looking away from the clock, I placed my attention back on the bottom of the bunk above me tracing the faint outline of the stickers that were stuck on the wood, placed there as a decoration by Rin and Yin.

I remember when we first got the bed, Mama had bought it for us about a year ago. Sakura and I had one and so did the other set of twins in the household. Mama bought one for Rin and Yin and Papa thought it'll be cute if both sets bunked. (Papa also wanted Rai-nee and Jinsoo-nee to get bunkbeds but both females protested, Jinsoo-nee threatening the poor man.)

Reaching up, I picked at the ice cream sticker out of boredom. It wasn't hard enough to peel it, but it gave me something to do. Mama had set a rule that I wasn't allowed out of bed until at least 5am. Thirty more minutes until I could "Wake up".

Hearing a shuffling above me, I stopped my picking out of fear I was bothering Sakura. A loud snore bought relief flowing over me, it was dumb of me to worry since the hyper girl could sleep through the end of the world.

Still, I didn't want to risk the one in a million chance of her waking up, so instead of playing with the stickers I opted to just lay there. Closing my eyes, I unwillingly got lost in my thoughts. Thankfully, rather than thinking about my past life, I thought about my current one.

There's no doubt that this life I am living now is better than my old one. Unlike in my previous life, I have friends and living siblings to keep my mind off most of the negative thoughts I have. My parents were loving and kind, although papa isn't around much whenever he is, he makes sure to spend his every possible moment with us.

My sisters were also a breath of fresh air to have around. In my old life I only had a single older brother who was almost ten years older than I was, before he passed, we were close but because of our age gap we didn't have any similarities.

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