chapter 3

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I, too, turn around to head back home, seeing that all the students are out from harm's way. But then I remember the call with my father.

"Make sure All Might doesn't die."

Father would probably get upset if the hero dies on my watch.

Not that I care. He would just act the same. Always indifferent.

But, if All Might dies it really would be a pain. More villains would show up and join the League, who managed to defeat the number one hero, and they would target Midoriya and class 1a.


What a drag.

And so I stay, turning back around and continuing to watch the battle unfold.

While the students fly away, Mt. Lady managed to stop the magician villain from getting to them. Gran Torino appeared on sight as well, knocking out three of the remaining league members.

All for One forcefully activates the magnet girl's quirk with Kurogiri's, pulling the league into the warp with the magnetic forces.

"Wait, Master!" Shigaraki gasps. "I still... I haven't-"

"Tomura," the villain says, "continue the fight."

With that, the league disappears into thin air.

Seeing that the U.A students made it out safely All Might smiles, pointing at the villain.

"Now, I can defeat you."

The fight begins again, this time the two foes going harder than before. I have to create a small shield in front of me to block all the debris from flying into my face.

"I...despise you," the villain states. "In the past, that fist of yours brought down my comrades one by one, and yet you were celebrated as the symbol of peace.

Standing atop society, on the bodies of those sacrificed to get there...the view must be nice, huh?"

Both reel their hands back and throw a powerful punch, colliding fists yet again. Something in All Might's eyes turn dark, and I squint, noticing blood splattering out of his mouth.


His time is coming to an end.

And he's not going to be coming back.

Gritting his teeth, the hero reaches for All for One.

"SHUT UP!" All Might roars. "That's exactly how you play with people like toys, you SCUM! 





Grabbing the villain's arm, All Might punches All for One straight in the face, slamming his body into the pavement. All Might's face shifts back into its normal form from quirk overuse, and for a while, it seems like he won.

But once the dust clears, the scene says otherwise.

With seemingly no damage to his face, All for One smiles.

"Aren't you getting a little too carried away with your emotions, All Might?" he giggles. "I've already heard those lines before...from the previous One for All successor."

Provoking the hero, the villain continues to taunt All Might's teacher, saying how much of a disgrace she was. It works because All Might lets himself get pummeled by the villain, getting thrown into the air like some rag doll.

Gran Torino manages to talk some sense into the hero, and All Might readies himself to fight again. 

Hearing a little rattle from behind the hero, I glance into the rubble, seeing a human stuck beneath some concrete. I frown.

But I swore I had got everyone? How did she escape my sight?

Furrowing my eyebrows, I watch as All Might rushes in front of the woman as All for One sends a blast her way.

And then, I realize what the villain is after.

It's not the death of All Might.

It's the death of the symbol of peace.

"I want to destroy that pride of yours, All Might," All for One says.

The dust settles, and a poorer form of the pro hero appears.

From the sky, a helicopter with a camera flies into the scene, but I don't touch it.

This is the fate of the number one hero.

I will not mess with destiny.


Raising my hand to the oblivious helicopter, I send it away from the scene to prevent any media coverage.

The world has already seen All Might's true form. That is the fate I cannot change.

However, that does not mean I cannot shorten his miserable exposure.

Walking down from the sky as if I were stepping on invisible stairs, I make my way towards the ground, snapping my fingers to make sure the civilian is unconscious to limit my witnesses.

Both All for One and All Might whip their heads up to me, seeing an unfamiliar person suddenly coming down from the sky.

I bet that for a second, they thought they were in heaven after seeing my wings and halo.

While All Might stares in confusion, All for One doesn't hesitate to throw a fist my way, bulging up his arm with multiple quirks as he does.

" you not have any manners?" I ask.

Slightly raising my forearm to counter, I completely obliterate his entire arm with a simple touch, blasting him back and slamming into a wall. All Might and Gran Torino widen their eyes as I finish my journey to the ground, pushing some of my hair back before speaking again.

"You're supposed to introduce yourself first. Handshakes later."

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