Chapter 06

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I hugged my daughter and honestly, I did not want to let go. She dealt with news like such an adult and I cannot help but internally applauded Maddie's parenting skills.

"Gabbi, do you want to stay home with your daddy?"

"Yes please"

"I need to tell your teacher"

"Let me"


"Yes let's go talk to her teacher and let her know that I will be picking her up from school since I know you have a busy schedule"

{Back to Maddie's pov}

"Thanks Nate" why is he being so nice?

"No problem, let's go mama" he took Gabbi in his arms and she laid her head on his shoulder. Is she going to become a daddy's girl?

"Thanks for letting her stay the night, I'll see you at work Damon" I said my goodbyes and headed to my car. Gabi was fast asleep on Nate's lap and I could not help but chuckle.


"She's definitely your daughter"

"What do you mean?"

"You both love sleeping like it's your day job"

"And that's a bad thing?"

"I don't know"

"I can see you raised our daughter well"

"What made you think that?"

"Just the way she took this situation like very grown up"

"That's because I talk to her about her problems and how to deal with it because the last thing I need is her alone in her room crying when she can cry with me"

"I love you" he chuckled. "You don't have to say it back" he rubbed my thigh and went back to looking at Gabi.

I pulled up to her school; her teacher was standing in front greeting kids and their parents. "Let me guess, your dad got her into this school?"

"Yup, he wants the best for his granddaughter.

"We need to talk about London"

"She's not moving to London, we have a life here"


"Not now" we got out of the car and walked to up to miss thing.

"Good morning, has Gabi not been sleeping?"

"She has, she just had a rough morning"

"That would be my fault, I'm Nate"

She held out her hand but Nate just stared at it. "I just wanted to come say that Gabi will be staying at home today and Nate will be picking her up from school"

"Who are you?"

"I'm her father"

"I was wondering when the dad was going to appear"

"Excuse you"

"Right let's go Nate" I grabbed his arm since I saw him reach for his gun and I do not need him killing my daughter's teacher even if she is a major puta.

We got back into the car and drove to my house. Actually I was hoping you and Gabi would come stay with me for the weekend?"

"I know how you operate Nate; it's never just for a weekend?"

"It's not like that; I just want her to meet and get to know my family"

"Fine, she can stay with you for the weekend"

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