Soulmates (Part 3)

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I turned my computer off quickly to get ready to meet my soon arriving visitor.

I grabbed my clout goggles as I grab my keys as well as my jacket on the way out the door.

I get in my car and put my keys in the ignition.
My car starts and I drive to the airport

I get to the airport and the realization hit me that I didn't even know what he looked like.

I shake the thought out of my head and look at the flight schedule.
Dream's flight would land in about an hour and a half so I sit in a chair and lean back to rest my head. Waiting for the arrival of my new roomate.

Before I could drift off to sleep I feel a strange tingling sensation on my wrist. I lifted up my sleeve and sighed.
The C disappeared slightly.

'One step closer to meeting my soulmate.' I thought finally drifting off to sleep.

I wasn't thinking of the other possible name for my future lover..


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