Ch. 42 "The pain"

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                                      Sammie POV 

I am in the living room, 

"Sammie I know something is going on," Dad said 

"Nothing is going on, I'm just tired," I said 

"Sammie I don't even have to listen to your heartbeat to know you are lying," He said 

"I'm I don't know," I said looking down at my hands, 

"Sammie after everything you know you can trust me," Dad said 

"I know, I know, I just don't want you to think I'm crazy," I said 

He chuckled 

"Me and your Uncle are vampires, your mom was a witch, your best buddies with a original Hybrid and your a Syphon, and you think what your going to tell me is going to make me think your crazy?" He said 

"Okay point taken," I mumbled 

He sat down next to me on the couch, 

"You can tell me," He said looking at me concerned 

"I'm seeing things in my dreams, And I know they are real," I said 

"Why do you think they are real?" He asked 

"Well because in my dream last night I fell and well," I said 

I showed him the palm of my hands, they were cut up and bloody, 

"Jeez Sammie," Dad said 

"And because he took my bracelet and now its not on me," I said 

Dad looked shocked 

"Who took your bracelet?" He said worried 

"My friend he said I'm not going to learn control with it," He said 

"What friend?" Dad asked 

"He's in my dream, he's like me," I said 

"A syphon?" Dad asked 

I nodded, 

"Did you get a name?" Dad asked 

"Kai," I said 

Dad nodded 

"We'll figure this out Sammie," Dad said getting up 

I nodded 

It was later and I was on the couch reading homework since I argued to be home schooled and dad finally gave, 

Then it happened, 

The excruciating headache the kind that makes it feel like your brain is being liquefied, someone is squeezing your head, 

The lights started flickering 

I had my hand on my eyes, trying to ease the pain, 

"Sammie talk to me, what's happening?" I heard Uncle Stefan 

The pain intensified 

I put both my hands on each side of my head, 

"My head it hurts!" I said 

And the flickering got worse, I couldn't concentrate, 

"Sammie!" I heard 

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