chapter 7

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I didn't immediately move into the dorms. There was a lot of work that needed to be done-- including more interviews. 

I almost backed out.

I really almost did,

but the ice cream...

And so I stayed.

They kept asking for my birth certificate and such, and even if I said I didn't have one, they insisted until they searched every file. That alone took a few days.

Of course, they couldn't find it.

Then they said they would talk to my parents, and so I handed over my phone to them. When they said they wanted to meet my parents in person, I said I didn't know where they are.

My parents could be in Jamaica, for all I know.

They said they would go to my house to help with my luggage, so I teleported to my house and back with all my stuff.

Needless to say, they all gave up trying to figure out my identity.

I did provide info like my birthdate, blood type--even my personality type that I found off an online test I did for fun--but I guess that wasn't enough.

Nevertheless, the principal for some reason said that he trusts me, and so I was allowed to stay in the dorms. All Might also vouched for me once he was healed, so that sealed the deal.

I wouldn't be allowed into any classes though, since there's no solid proof of my quirk. Aizawa seemed the most suspicious of me, which is why this is happening right now.

"Alright, settle down guys," Aizawa sighs when the students don't seem to be dispersing from around me. They were all bombarding me with questions about every possible detail in my life.

Once the group steps back a little, the homeroom teacher finally introduces me.

"This is (l/n) (y/n). They will be staying in this dorm because they were seen by the League of Villains-"

"...why are we making up a lie?" I blink. Aizawa furrows his eyebrows in annoyance, pushing back some hair before sighing again.

"Alright then. Let me start over. This is (l/n) (y/n), someone who claims to be your guardian."

At this, the whole class murmurs, confused with their teacher's words.

"Guardian?!" Bakugou barks. "I don't need a damn guardian!"

"Um, what do you mean by guardian?" Midoriya asks. He somewhat remembers me when he saved Bakugou, but he thought his eyes were playing with him. It felt like a fever dream, seeing me watching over All Might's battle with my wings and halo. Like a real angel. He thought I was an illusion.

But here I am.

"I make sure you guys don't die. Especially you, Midoriya. You get hurt the most. It's quite annoying."

"O-oh! Sorry..."

The class laughs, and a few begin asking what I thought of them. 

"Hey, but doesn't that make you like...a stalker?" Sero questions, a little wary of the fact that I've been watching over them.

"Sure, I guess," I say. "But I think there's a difference between making sure everyone is always okay and stalking everyone for lewd reasons."

"Lewd reasons!" Mineta repeats. He creeps up to me and whispers in my ear. "Hey, have you ever looked into the girls' locker room?!"

Scrunching my nose in disgust, I make him fly to the other side of the room, earning gasps of awe from the other students.

"I know what privacy is."

"Hey, I have a great idea, Sensei!" Hagekure beams. "Let's replace Mineta with (y/n)!"

All the girls unanimously agreed, and I shrugged my shoulders. 

School seems bothersome.

"The fuck?!" Bakugou roars. "They can't just show up out of nowhere and get in! I don't accept them!"

"Bakugou! Sorry about that, (y/n), he's just a little...aggressive," Kirishima grins sheepishly.

"Oh, I know. That's why I have an offer, if everyone's up to it," I say, glancing at Aizawa. "Your teacher also doesn't seem to trust me so..."

"And what's your proposal?" Aizawa takes the bait.

"I'll fight everyone here, all at once, and defeat every single one. Your teacher will be the referee."

This seems to fuel Bakugou's anger, as he begins shouting curses here and there. The whole class also seems a little shocked by my words, but I don't mind. I feel like this is the only way for anyone to trust my guardian statement.

"...alright. If the whole class is up to it, then I'll allow it," Aizawa nods, interested in how it would turn out.

"Hell yeah! Let me beat the shit out of them!"

"They sound super manly! I accept!"

"Well if the others are okay with it..."

"There's no way they can take on a whole class..."

"Don't look down on us!"

"I also accept. They seem too confident."

"I will twinkle!"

Everyone gets fired up, and we all head to the school's gym for the fight after everyone changes.

"Hey, (y/n)," Occhaco calls out once she dresses up. "Aren't you going to change into some workout clothes?"

I shake my head, staring up at the afternoon sky from the dorm's common room.

"This wouldn't even count as a warm-up for me."

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