
373 31 15

Warning: The content of this chapter might be triggering for some people. Do not proceed if you are sensitive to the topic (Strong Language and Violence). You have been warned.

Please feel free to correct my writings! :)

If I could change
The way that you see yourself
You wouldn't wonder why you hear
They don't deserve you

Billie Eilish - Everything I wanted


The cold morning breeze hit Kana's tanned cheeks, making it slightly numb as he goes further to Vin's studio. He has gone back to his own apartment since Sam went to work overseas yesterday. The younger cross his thin arms tightly in front of him, trying to keep his own body's temperature. Once he reaches Vin's studio, he immediately goes in and let out a relieved sigh, appreciating the warm temperature of Vin's expensive heater. The young writer greets the familiar receptionist and goes into Vin's office.

The taller man smiles as soon as he sees Kana coming in, "Hello, there. How's your day? Is it going well?" he asks as he closes the file that he read earlier, turning his attention fully to the young writer. Kana nods as he sits at the opposite of Vin taking one of the chairs between the office desk, "Quite good, actually. I've been walking around these past couple of days to keep my mind at peace, which seems to be working. It helps me to write again." he smiles to his best friend.

Vin returns the smile and nods, "Good to know. How's your sleep? Still restless?"

Kana smiled sadly, "Mm. But it's getting better. I drink chamomile tea and lit the fragrance that you gave me before I go to sleep. They seem to help me to sleep better." He then tilts his head, showing his warm smile to the latter, "Stop worrying about me so much, Vin. I'm okay. Sam is helping me heal after all."

Vin chuckles, "It's good to know that Sam willing to take my place to worry about you. Then I'll take the place to entertain you with that idiot Shane. So, should we go now? I bet he's waiting."

Kana nods and both of them proceed to go out of the studio and walks to the station. They have made a plan to spend time together at Camden Town, one of Kana's favourite place to go to. It's a bit sad for the young writer because he can't invite the actor to come since he's currently working overseas. But then again, it will be too risky for the latter since the place is too crowded.

Kana can't help but notice Vin keeps on rejecting calls. The younger then nudge the latter, earning attention from him, "Why don't you answer the call? It seems very urgent."

Vin shrugs, "It's just a desperate seller who keeps on asking me to buy his stuff. Don't worry about it. I already block the phone number so he won't be able to call again." he shows it to the younger, who blinks and nods. As they reach the stop, they proceed to go out of the station and walks to their meeting point. They immediately see the blonde man, looking around with a pout on his face. Both of them goes to the pouting man and Vin pats his back, "Hey you! Impatient as always."

Shane jolts in surprise, "Bloody!" He turns to the perpetrator and groans while looking at his watch, "You guys are 10 minutes late!"

Kana chuckles, "Punctual as always. It's only for 10 minutes. The shops won't close until 5 pm so chill."

Shane clicks his tongue, "That doesn't change the fact that you guys are late. Now let's go! I saw beautiful hand-crafted cups over there. They will surely look good if I use it for the cafe." he points to the market, "Oh! And I saw a booth selling the spicy death sauce! Let's go buy one!"

Vin grimaces, "You never learn, do you? Don't you remember how you were bawling the last time we ate Thai food? How red your face was? You even complained that your stomach hurts after. Now you want to buy that hot sauce? Do you know how much spicier that is compared to the mild Tom Yum that you ate?"

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