19: A SHOCKER !?

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SCENE 1: Riddhima is in her room, after her conversation with Vansh...

Riddhima's pov: I have got the correct proof, that you were the one who killed my gautam...


Riddhima goes to Vansh's room to call him, while he is talking to someone on the phone....

Vansh: No one should know what happened to gautam! It's a secret that i will carry it to my grave! He is dead, and it's my mistake, which i will never forget! I know, i know! But he was a orphan, so no one will find about his death, everyone will believe that it was a mere accident! And i covered up about the bullet wound...i..* someone knocks on the door*

Riddhima: Mr. Vansh, Dadi is calling you downstairs...


Riddhima: You yourself confessed that, you killed gautam and covered it up! I still remember the day, i got to know that he is dead....


Riddhima: Gautam, i will be back after a month! And don't grow your beard like a devdas *laughs* I will miss you..

Gautam: Did you really have to take another job? I mean we were happy in this job right? We were together always!

Riddhima: I know, but i promised myself that i will explore all my options when i can whether it be personal life or professional life!

Gautam: Do whatever experiments you want, but not in your love life!

Riddhima: Oohh, someone is possessive! *smirks* 

Gautam: Not funny riddhima! Bye

Riddhima: Ok bye..

After 1 month...riddhima comes to gautam's house and opens the door with the key she has...

Riddhima: Gautam?! Gautam, where are you? See i am back! Surprise!! Gautam?? Acha baba i am sorry, i didn't inform, just come in front of me! Gautam!! *she enters his room* Gautam? Look at this man! He is really soo messy! *looks at his photo* GAUTAM!!!!!!! No, no, i am dreaming, he can't be dead! I mean i would know if he is dead right!

Rishabh: I am sorry Riddhima! He is dead!

Riddhima: RISHABH!! *she hold his collar* I know you only did something!

Rishabh: Riddhima, please calm down! I accept, intially i was not happy, you being with him, but trust me, me and gautam, we both were bought up in the same orphanage, i can never intentionally hurt him, he is like my own brother! I was happy, and 

Riddhima: Why did no one inform me about this??

Rishabh: I am sorry! Your phone was not reachable! And we found him along with his car in a lake near by....

Riddhima: *falls down* I didn't even get to see him the last time...

Rishabh: I am sorry...


Riddhima: *wipes her tears and checks her phone* "Open the window, i am here to meet you"  Kabir? What is he doing at this hour?

She opens the window...

Kabir: Everything is set right? Let's leave...*holds her hand*

Riddhima: I can't kabir!

Kabir: I know, you are loyal to the person you work and all, but you can stay at your home and do...

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