💙 7 - Fang 💙

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Normal POV

The next day, Angin woke up earlier at 4 am. He already set his alarm to wake up since he still doesn't finish his homework.

He rushed to his bathroom. After that, he put on his clothes and walked towards to his study table. Even though it's not big enough but it's fine for him since he doesn't learn difficult knowledge like his brothers and he doesn't have many homework.

"Hmm, one plus two, equal to three.. Two plus two, equal to four.. Three plus two, equal to... Errr, what is it?" Angin scratching his head as he confused what the answer for that question.

"Hmm, one two three four five... Oh! The answer is five!" Angin then write down the answer after he count the number using his fingers. He proceed to the next question.

After answering 10 question, he then faced three difficult question.

"Hmmm.... Ten minus three plus five??? And then, five minus two plus seven??? Ten plus six plus three???" Angin tilted his head to left. He tried to count to find the answer but he failed. "Arghh! This is difficult!"


Angin's door opened made Angin a bit startled. He turned his head to left and he saw his brother, Tanah went inside his room.

"Angin? You're already awake?" He frowned his forehead as he didn't believe that his little brother was awake earlier than him.

Angin chuckles. "Yes brother Tanah.. I want to finish this homework.. I forgot to do it yesterday.."

Tanah nodded understand. He gazed towards Angin's book. "Do you need any help?"

Angin scratch his right cheek. "Urm, actually, there are three question that I don't know how to answer it.."

Tanah smiled as he came closer to Angin. He bend his body slightly to the table so that he can see the question and help Angin to solve the question.

"For this question, first you need to solve ten minus three.. So, it equal to seven right?" Angin just nodded agreed.

"Then, seven plus five equal to??" Tanah's eyes towards to Angin face which he wanted Angin answer his question.

"Hmm... Seven plus five..." Angin counting his finger again to get the answer. "Is equal to twelve!"

"Good boy.." Tanah patted Angin's head which made Angin's heart felt soft.

Both of them continued for another question. But they don't realise that there someone peeking and eavesdropping them.




"Have a good day Angin!" Tanah waved at Angin that already in front of the gate kindergarden.

Angin waved back with a genuine smile. He had a nice time with Tanah since morning when he and his big brother solve the difficult question.

Then, his father's car leave his kindergarden.

Angin walked towards to the house but stopped when he heard someone calling him.


Angin turned his head back and saw Daun waved at him with a smile at his face. Angin smiled back and waved. "Hi Daun!"

Daun grabbed Angin's right hand and brought both of them into the house.

Today, Angin and Daun still learning about mathematics which involve minus and plus. They already discuss the answer with their teacher, Aunty Yang.

And the question more difficult because it's involve three digit number. But Angin and Daun doesn't give up to answer it because they know it's good for them to learn. When they learn difficult question, they will be more smarter, think Angin and Daun.

It's recess time. Angin and Daun rushed to the table kitchen that full with porridge in different bowl. The different is only the color.

Before Daun could grab one bowl, he being pushed by a raven hair boy. Daun really shocked. He's lucky that he was beside Angin and Angin saved him from fell.

Daun breathe some air to calm down. Angin help his friend by rubbed Daun's back. Angin could heard someone laughed at Daun.

"Hahahahaha!!! Look at his face!! It's so hilarious!!" The raven boy still with his laugh, ignoring Angin's sharp gazed.

"Stop laughing Fang! It's not funny!" Angin tried to calm down for not attacking this boy.

"Hahahaha!!! What if I don't?"

Before Angin said anything, Aunty Yang came and asked what happen. Angin said the truth about Daun being pushed by Fang but Fang told their teacher that Daun fell by his own mistake and not because that he push Daun.

Aunty Yang sighed. She just arrived from toilet and then Fang just already made a chaos. "Fang, apologize to Daun.. I didn't teach my kids to talk bad and do bad things.."

Angin smirked while Fang don't believe what he just heard. "W-what?"

"Yes Fang.. Apologize to Daun.. When we do anything wrong to others, we need to apologize.."

Fang sighed as he don't sincere to do it but he don't have a choice. "Daun.. I-I a-apologize.."

Daun just smiled. "I forgive you Fang.."

Aunty Yang relieved that Fang doesn't make another chaos. "Okay then, enjoy your food kids.." She then went to her office room.

Fang gave a death glare to Angin as a warning but Angin just shrugged it off.


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