Chapter 31: The Emerald Prince's Wrath

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Jeon Jeongguk, Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin's Cars

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Jeon Jeongguk, Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin's Cars


Jeon Jeongguk didn't know what to do when his best friend started to rush to his own car with a suffocating calmness and quietness in the aura he brought around him.

"Are you good?" He asked him as he pulled his friend's arm, but he looked at him with eyes that sent even him, a mafia heir, chills down his spine.

"What happened?" He ushered again, he didn't understand because Vantae had been alright a few minutes ago and now he seemed to have reincarnated in a god of death.

He remembered that his friend was heading to go say goodbye to Jennie, and he could only assume if something went wrong around the two since they seemed to have such a complicated and confusing relationship.

"Man, calm down, talk to me, is it Jennie?"

The emerald prince halted in his tracks and the golden heir knew it was. As his own friend faced him once more, his eyes showed such wrath, a raging death incarnate lived in Kim Vantae's eyes.

He remembered feeling the same way, the same emotions, when he found out that Lisa had pas-

No Fucking way...

"They took her didn't they?" Jeongguk suddenly asked as he rushed to his own car as well.  The racer had said nothing but based on his reaction of breathing such at a deathly calm rate, the mafia prodigy knew that the only answer to that was 'yes'

2 hours before that..

Jennie had been walking calmly by the near railways, she had just stepped out of her own car and was headed to the racer's apartment near the academy.

Her whole attire of a white tweed Chanel jacket and matching skirt with a white accented bow top were in a glamorous combination, she had just gone from her house and she arrived at Vantae's apartment.

When she had gone up, she pounded her knuckles on the smooth wooden doors but the lack of response on the other side caused her to get her phone and dial his number.

In the middle of those missed calls, she tried texting him, asking if he was at home or awake.

Not long ago, he told her that if she were to visit his apartment without him being present, she could just enter the password and come in.

The stupid thing was, she forgot what the password was, it didn't really help that he said those words when they were at her suite at the hotel.

She rolled her eyes while remaining a grin as she tried entering various combinations on the padlock.

It was a lock that required either fingerprint or a pin code so she tried using 1230, his birthday but it didn't really work.

She swore under her breath as she hoped that he wasn't cheesy enough to do such a thing, but she typed in the code 0116, her own birthday.

 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 || bangpinkWhere stories live. Discover now