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Maira and Murat stood there talking to some lanky guy with a bad posture. Assuming they were friends, I continued watching their banter until I saw the guy hand Murat something and in turn he passed him something which the guy tucked into his pocket. It was too dark to see what it was.

The guy left and the two proceeded to walk away. I cautiously followed them from a distance, curious as to where they were going.

They entered a particularly noisy room and I closely followed. Maira looked over her shoulder just before she disappeared and for a moment her eyes skimmed over in my direction but thankfully she didn't seem to have noticed me.

The door slammed close behind them but I doubted they had locked it on the inside. I heard unintelligible voices speak behind the door once I got close. I cautiously put my hand on the knob, twisting it ever so slowly. Once unlocked, I gave it a slight push causing it to crack open a few centimetres, just enough for me to see inside.

I saw a few people sitting around a table, bags of a white powdery substance laying casually around. Catching my two classmates in the middle of snorting the drugs, I grinned. Their comeuppance was getting better and better. Sliding my phone out of pocket, I began snapping their pictures and videoing them in their activities.

Everyone was too high to notice me or the loud clicking sound my phone emitted everytime I clicked a picture.

Too lost in gathering as much evidence as I could, I didn't notice a figure standing directly behind me until a hand closed around my mouth and a strong arm wrapped around my waist, lifting me with ease and dragging me away and into further darkness and quiet.

I struggled in his arms but even without seeing him I could guess he was at least twice my size. I attempted to make good use of my hands and tried to stick my fingers into his eyes, hoping to get it right but he turned his face away from the attack and all but buried it against the back of my neck. Seeing that clawing at his arms with my nails and even drawing blood had no effect on him, I settled to my last resort.

I brought my hands to the back of his neck and putting all my strength together, squeezed tight. I was basically strangling him from behind and although it caused him to resist me a little, it did no real damage.

Soon enough he dragged me into an empty room and pushed me to the floor on my front. Straddling me at the waist he pretty much rendered my legs useless against him and holding one hand behind my back, his other tried prying the phone out of my hand.

Finding a little moving space between his legs, I suddenly rolled over hoping to throw him off balance but had no such luck but at least I got a look at the perpetrator.

He was a huge man, and although I hated to admit it, a little scary too. With a closely shaved head, a big mole on his forehead and dangerous vacant blue eyes, he made a chill run down my spine at the lack of emotion on his face which I imagined a cold blooded killer would have.

A scar ran down from his chin to the side of his throat and he had a lip ring. Tattoos covered both of his arms, disappearing under the sleeves of the shirt he was wearing. A chain hanging from his neck dangled in front of me, almost touching my chest.

Still clutching my phone tightly, he struggled to get it from me using only one hand.

"Get off!" I shouted, hoping that it would scare him off into thinking someone could come and he would be caught.

He didn't reply further making me struggle under him. It was clear I was no match for him. It hurt my pride to admit that but I knew when to not be stupid and overconfident.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my hand and I jerked my head in the direction to see who was calling. It was Abeo.

Sighing in relief, I went to accept the call but the stranger hovering above me used my moment of distraction and managed to snatch it away. Using one hand, he pinned both my arms above my head and used the other to decline the call but then he stopped short, squinting his eyes at my phone and then he looked down at me.

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