Satans tits

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Yoongi returned 2 hours later from wherever he went. 

I was sitting on a couch reading a book, trying to distract myself from her. 

It wasn't working. 

Yoongi picked my feet off the couch before sitting down.

 "Where did you go to?" I ask, not looking up from the page I was attempting to read. "For a walk." He replied. 

I just nod my head. I set the book down on the table and sit up. Then I smell it. 

"You smell like you took a bath in coffee." He doesn't look at me. "I stopped for coffee. I haven't been sleeping much, so I figured I would get some."

 I nod again. I get up and put my shoes on, before grabbing my keys and opening the door. I needed some air, too. 

As I open the door, Star is standing there, about to knock. My eyes go wide and then I pull her into a hug.

 Once I realize what I am doing, I set her down and clear my throat.

 "Um, hi. would you like to come in?" I ask her. 

She nods. "That is if I'm not stopping you from leaving." I look at her again before looking down at the keys in my hand.

 I put them in my pocket before ushering her inside. We walk to the living room and Yoongi stands up and gives her a hug. 

"Hey, Princess." He tells her. 

She lets out a small hi before coming up to stand in front of me. 

"I am so sorry, Namjoon. I should have never reacted the way I did, it was wrong of me. Please forgive me?" I smile at her and pull her into my arms. 

"You're okay, princess. Don't apologize. And call me Joon or Joonie please. Calling me Namjoon is too formal." 

She smiles as I let her go. "Um, I need yours and Yoongis help with something."


I paced around my apartment, making sure that everything was presentable and that all the food was properly cooked. 

Being from a small town in South Carolina, I cooked the thing I could think of when having a larger crowd: Chicken and biscuits.

I nervously check myself in the mirror in the bathroom for the 300th time in 10 minutes.

"You're fine, Star. These are your soul mates, they don't mind what you are wearing." Even with the pep talk, I still found myself wondering if I smelt okay, if I had anything in my teeth. 

What seemed like an eternity later, there was a knock on the door. When I open the door, I don't plan on seeing Carl on the other side.

 "Oh, hello Carl. Is everything okay?" He scowls at me, but throws the sharpie that he took that day at me, before walking back to his apartment and slamming the door. 

Starring at the door, I don't notice Yoongi until he sets his hand on my shoulder. I jump and turn to him.

 "Satan's tits, Yoongi you scared me."

 Raising his eyebrow at my saying, he grabs my hand and we walk into my apartment. "Where are the others?" I ask as I close the door. 

"Jimin is trying to find his bowtie. Nobody but me and Joon know we are coming here, they think we are all going out to a nice dinner." 

He walks to the table and picks up a biscuit. "Chicken and biscuits? I haven't had these since our trip to Tennessee." 

I walk over to the table and take the biscuit out of his hand. "Well, I grew up in the south, so of course they are the first thing I think to make. You can wait till the others get here." 

Someone You Loved// BTS X Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now