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"It's been three hours! Why hasn't Lo woken up yet?!" Aysen shouted, holding me up by my collar.

Oh how original of you, Aysen.

"Lowell has been in a coma for a long time, it is understandable that healing him will take some time," I looked to the side, bored. I'm not going to tell him that it's possible it's not even going to heal.

These past three hours have been annoying. Aysen would pace, get angry, then pace again while Akuhei would throw his blades into the same damn box over and over again until he felt he'd attacked it enough and then went to throwing it into a dart board that had appeared out of nowhere with some old guys face pinned to it. I'm going to say it's probably his Grandfather or Father.

"Or maybe everything about you is a lie and you're not actually strong enough to do anything," Aysen glared at me before throwing me down. Because of the cuffs basically glued to my wrists and ankles, I landed, let's say not too graciously and it hurt. It hurt like hell.

I just let out a grumble of annoyance at his words and looked away, leaning against the battered-up crate that Akuhei was previously beating up.

I'm tired...

The next day_

Tamaki's PoV

"Hm... Class is about to begin but Mikhail and Hatsuharu aren't here yet," Hado stated as Mirio stood up from out of Mikhail's seat, getting ready to head to his class, 3-B, for the start of homeroom.

"I bet they overslept because they were up too late watching movies last night," Mirio let out a small laugh before noticing my nervous expression and patting me not so gently on the shoulder, "don't worry! I'm sure he'll be here by second lesson."

"Y-yeah..." I nodded, looking down at my hands in my lap and playing with the hem of my tie, "I h-hope you're r-right."

But it doesn't feel right.

Something here feels really wrong...

Mirio left and Thirteen came in not to long later after the bell rung out for homeroom.

"Where's Lionel and Mahru?" Thirteen asked.

"They haven't come in yet," Hado answered for the class.

"They haven't?" Thirteen questioned before letting out a small hum, "that's not like the—"

The door slammed open, and Hatsuharu rushed in looking around frantically.

He was a mess. Hair was sticking out in all directions, his body littered with dirt and his uniform dishevelled and stained.

"Is he here?" he asked, out of breath, "Where's Mikhail?! Please tell me he's here!"

"He isn't," Thirteen shook their head, "now why were you late? And... looking like that?"

"Me and Mikhail were attacked last night," Hatsuharu announced, panicked, "I woke up in an alley not even five minutes ago. I was hoping Mikhail managed to get away and come straight here but I guess not... Damnit!"

He punched the wall, it cracked slightly.

"I couldn't have been anymore useless!" he exclaimed.

Mikhail's been attacked?

... And now he's... all alone..?

I stood up before I could register what I was doing.

"Where?" I asked.

"On the street a block away from our apartment complex," Hatsuharu replied, "we'd just bought a crap ton of food for last night."

"What did the kidnapper look like?" Hado asked, now also stood up, we both seemed to be thinking the same thing.

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