Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Escaping


I woke up with a pounding headache. It felt like someone hit me upside the head with a brick. I look around and I jump when I see the boy from earlier standing a couple feet away from me, staring. "You're really hot, the alpha is lucky to have you well, not for long." he says smirking. 'What do you want?!' I mouth "You" he replies smiling wide. I can't help but stare, his smile is amazing.

I blush and look down and see the blood on the floor and quickly snap out of it. 'Let me go!' I mouth to him with pleading eyes. "I'll make a deal with you, if you come with me I won't hurt you but, if you stay here I'll leave you to starve to death." he says with a smirk once again-no emotion shining in his eyes once so ever. I was not going to trust this crazy ass guy with not killing me in the middle of the woods so, I'd rather stay. He walks over to me and I look down. He kneels down in front of me not caring about the damp blood.

I shake my head no. He lifts my head gently and brings his lips to mine. I don't move at first but, after a couple seconds I move my lips gently against his. What the hell, I'm going to die anyway. This kiss was nice, but empty. Nothing like my kiss with Cameron. About a minute later he pulls away and smiles a warm smile. I could see the passion and lust burning in his eyes. He lets go, stands up, and just walks out the door. I sit there for about 5 minutes. I realize I need to get the heck outa this place! I move my bracelet on my wrist against the ropes. The hard bristles graze my skin roughly. No use. I just lean back and close my eyes.

*12 minutes later*

I hear shuffling and the sound of a door opening. I open my eyes and see him and some other guy walk in the room. They both stop in front of me. "Woah dude, he is hot!" the mystery guy says, then looks back at me in awe. I roll my eyes and shuffle my feet but, wince when an unbearable pain shot through my leg from my ankle. I move the ropes against my bracelet again and they fall. Yes! They didn't notice because they're having their own side conversation.

I untied the ropes around my ankles carefully and they fall also. I notice a metal, bent bar around the size of a kitchen knife under my chair. I break it off with as much strength as I can muster. It makes a soft clank noise. I quickly look up and sit back in the position I was in before as if the ropes were still there and I wasn't holding a jagged piece of metal. They look over at me. I gave them a fake smile.

"The alpha will be here soon, it's time to go." the mystery boy states. 'Whats your name?' I mouth to them. "I'm Dean and this is Chance" the boy who captured me motioned to himself and the boy next to him. Chance walks over to me and goes to bend down to untie my legs but, he notices they're already untied. He looks up and I knee him in the jaw with all my might and I hear a crack and blood drips out the corner of his mouth.

"Fuck, dude you broke my jaw" he murmurs. I stand and kick him with my left foot in his face. I run/limp past him and make it to the door but, I'm grabbed, roughly might I add. Shit, I forgot Dean was even in here. I take my mini weapon and slash a deep cut on his wrist that's holding me. He screeches in pain and let's go. I have to get out of here! I keep running, ignoring the excruciating pain in my ankle.

I see another brown door and pray that's my exit. I keep running and don't stop. I'm in the woods. It's extremely dark and my ankle is trembling in pain. I see a street and run across it. It's really dark and empty. It's probably around 2am. I see a hospital and slow down limping the rest of the way there. My hands are now extremely bloody from my death grip on my metal, jagged weapon. I throw it aside and push the door open. There are about 17 people in the room. "Sir are you okay? What happened?" a lady in scrubs asks me. I can't answer because I drop to the floor and pass out from blood loss, no food, and no water.


Cameron and I race to my house. Tears never failing to leave my eyes, while Cam looked deep in thought. I burst through my front door and see my mom crying in the kitchen while my dad tries to calm her. I pull Cam in for a hug and sob on his chest till the front of his shirt was soaking wet. I squeeze him tightly, not letting go. I feel tears drip on my neck and I know they're Cam's but, I don't care.

After about 10 minutes of crying and sobbing loudly the house phone rings. I answer because my mom was still a mess and I was some what sobered up from crying. "He..ll-l..o-o" I sob in the phone. Okay maybe not. "Hello ma'm, we have called to say that your son, Jonna Green has just been admitted into Vindel hospital (made up!) and he is in bad shape." I stop abruptly "What?" I ask, not believing the words that just came out the deep voice on the other line.

"Would you please come down t-" I hang up and grab my keys. "Jonna's in the hospital." we all rush to my car and pile in. I type in Vindel hospital in my GPS and see the hospital is about an hour away. We drive there in complete and utter silence. When we get there I park the car and we all get out. I run to the door and we all pile inside. I notice some dried blood on the door handle but quickly dismiss it. "My brother... I need to see my brother Jonna Green." I state panting heavily. "Ahh, yes Jonna Green, he's in room 516j, but I have some bad news." The secretary at the front desk states.

"He has a broken ankle, 2 cracked ribs, a concussion, and he may have slight memory lost from a bludgeoned object hitting him upside the head" she continues slowly. "Okay thank you, can we please see him?" my mother replies/asks with tear filled-pleading eyes. "Yes you may. He just got out of surgery a few hours ago and just woke up minutes ago." she said smiling with sorrowful eyes. "Thank you" I state and we walk off to Jonna's room and walk in.

He was laying on his bed watching spongebob but he looked bored. "Hey Jonna" I say smiling warmly at him. "I'm your twin sister, and this is mom and dad and your best friend Cameron do you remember us?" He shakes his head no in confusion. He motions me over and pats the spot beside him on the bed. I climb in next to him, while everyone sits in the surrounding chairs. I hug Jonna close to me and he hugs back. I open my notes on my phone and hand him it. We talk/type for hours on end about memories. Some come back and some don't but at least he knows us and is back with us.


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