Chapter Twenty-Six

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Harry's PoV

Today is the day of Cara's grandma's funeral, she's putting up such a strong front but I can see right through it, she's at her breaking point and I know it but all I can do is be here for her when the inevitable happens. It probably doesn't help that neither her parents nor her brother have bothered to appear yet or even send a text to let her know they will be here.

I look over to my beautiful, strong woman as he pulled her hair up into a high ponytail and smoother out her black dress, she seemed so pale. She's not been eating great or sleeping great between grieving and the stress that planning the funeral has brought upon her. Of course I have helped as much as I could along the way but sometimes she blocks me out, I don't blame her but I still wish she didn't.

I know she doesn't fully trust me yet and that it's going to take a while for her to get there and I'll wait for her, it's just harder than I thought it would be. It's like she's here with me but her mind isn't, maybe after today things will start to get better.

"We need to leave soon." She said quietly, grabbing my attention. I look to her and nodded as I walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her from behind.

"We can leave as soon as you want to, my mum text me saying my family is coming. They want to support you." I said quietly as she pressed her head back against my chest and closed her eyes.

"Don't you think it's bad that your family want to support me but my own family can't even text?" She asked quietly through a shaky voice, her bottom lip trembling ever so slightly that if you weren't looking for a sign of how she felt you would have never noticed.

"My mum and dad have always loved you like you were their daughter. They will always be there for you." I said quietly before taking her hand as I unwrapped my arms from around her.

"Are you ready?"

• • •

I've never been so angry, they didn't show up, not her mum, dad, brother. None of them. Only a few of Janets old friends, my family, one of Caras friends and the two of us showed up. I will never forget the look on her face when she seen there was no more than 15 people there.

She hasn't spoken a word since we got in the car, we are currently on the way to the wake back at Caras house. She did book a large hall but after seeing how many people bothered to appear she decided to move everything to her apartment. We got up before anyone else did thankfully and made sure to leave the building entrance door open for everyone and her apartment door open so people knew where they were going.

"I'm so angry Harry!" She said with a raised voice, not wanting to yell when she was expecting people any minute.

"I know darling, we can deal with all that soon but right now let's make sure that Janet gets the send off she deserved okay?" I said making her hands drop from her hair and her shoulders to relax just slightly with a sigh. She straightened out her dress some more, I think it's more of a nervous habit because the dress hasn't moved an inch.

"Cara dear?" The voice of the sweet old lady that apparently used to play bingo all the time with Janet called from the front door. Cara had the tiniest smile on her face and made her way to the door to get the guests, soon Caras small apartment was a little crowded but not to bad.

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