chapter ten

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I'm furious.

Not only did I find out that Enzo Bridger is having me followed but I seem to now have my own personal stalker following me wherever I go.

As you can probably guess my stalker is the man who was watching me outside of the coffeeshop and the one I bumped into on the sidewalk.

And now I'm in the back of his car staring out at the passing buildings as we coast through the downtown Manhattan streets, which surprisingly aren't too busy right now, which is odd for a weekday at four thirty. This is around the time most people are getting out of work, flooding the side walks and subway stations as they navigate the five o'clock traffic rush.

"You want gum?" He asks from the front, snapping me out of my daze.

I look away from the window into the rear-view mirror where his face is tilted up so that he can look directly at me. I shake my head at the offer and slump further down into the seat.

After he told me that he has been tasked with following me around I told my stalker to take me directly to Enzo Bridger.

He did tell me his name, it's Denzel, but the more I make it seem like he doesn't have a name at all I can almost trick myself into an imaginary world where this is all some big fat dream. Pretending that I'm not currently living in an actual reality of Hell. But my imaginary fantasies don't last long because he does exist and I'm still sitting in the back of his very luxurious car. The more I wish the more I realize my life will never go back to normal. Everything has changed.

Denzel pulls the car up to one of the tallest buildings in downtown Manhattan. I look up towards it as the top disappears above the roof of the car.

"Okay last stop Bridger industries," Denzel calls from the front like a train conductor.

I can tell that he's making an effort to make me more comfortable with this situation but I'm not comfortable and never will be. Although I know it's not his fault and at least he's trying to be kind, I have to remind myself that he works for Enzo, and there will always be some small part of me that automatically despises anyone remotely connected to that man. Even someone with a smile as contagious as Denzel.

"So he's up there?" I ask as Denzel opens my door, I point towards the intimidating building that towers over us.

He nods as he holds it open letting me get out, "Yeah, he's up there alright ruling over his kingdom," He laughs at his own joke.

"Do you know what floor?" I ask.

"Should be the top floor, if I'm not mistaken, he has the whole floor for himself," Denzel says.

I nod and start towards the entrance but am stopped by Denzel calling after me.

"So will you be needing a ride home as well, princess?" His voice is humorous as I spin around and flip him the middle finger before stalking back towards the entrance. His deep laugh follows me up to the main doors.

Even though Denzel may work for a monster I'm starting to get the feeling that he's a lot different than his boss.

Bridger Industries

The sign says as I push the open doors that lead inside. I step into a ginormous lobby that is shinning a golden hue, the floors are a sleek white marble and the walls are a dark burgundy equaling out into a sleek modern concept that screams rich money.

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