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"Well, aren't you brave?" Aysen asked, "Good thing I had Akuhei watching that door."

I glared at Aysen and Akuhei, standing in front of Lowell. Honestly, I probably couldn't do much to protect him at the moment, but just this is more than nothing... I guess.

"You can't keep us locked up here," Lowell exclaimed, "whether you're my big brother or not. It's wrong no matter how you look at it."

"I'm not locking you up. See? No cuffs," Aysen replied with a shrug.

The hell—you've really lost yourself. I don't even recognise you anymore, Aysen.

Looking around, I noticed a hole in the roof.

"Fine. If we're not going to walk out the front door, we'll fly out the roof," I stated before forcing my body to transform completely into my phoenix form, the guys all stared at me.

Oh come on. Is it really that rare that I turn into this? Jeez—

I go to fly up, but a dagger came shooting towards Lowell and before I could even think, I shot up and knocked it away with my foot, it was cut slightly but it's nothing I can't survive.

Turning, I hook onto the back of Lowell's shirt and begin flying up.

"Oh no you don't!" I heard Aysen shout before something glowing red shot up in front of me, wrapping itself around my wing and burning straight through.

I let out a shout which, in this form, sounded more like a struggled and pained sqwark.

...and we plummeted back to the ground.

My body force transformed back, and my left hand flew up to my right arm, gripping at nothing as I looked down to see my wing on the floor transform back to my arm.

"Shit!" Akuhei cursed, "why the fuck did you do that?!"

My arm...


This fucking hurts—shit. Ow—

"He was getting away," Aysen shrugged like it didn't matter, Aysen crouched down in front of me and grabbed my face roughly, dragging me forward, "how can you be a hero with only one arm, hm?"

"I'll do what I want," I glared at him, clenching my teeth as I tried to endure the pain of losing my. god. damn. arm.

"I'd like to see you try," he said, pushing me back, Lowell caught me, and I let out a small grunt as he caught me in an awkward way.

"Sorry," Lowell whispered as I moved away from him and pulled my shirt off.

"Just help me wrap myself up," I sighed, he nodded and ripped my shirt, so it was just an open sheet and began to wrap it around my wound.

The bastard took off my shoulder too.

How'd he even do that?

Fuck—this hurts. I know I already knew this was going to happen to me, but I didn't expect it would happen in this way. Especially not by Aysen himself. I guess... I really don't mean anything anymore. Not our friendship, not our relationship, not even just all the years we've known each other.

I see now.

Looking over to Aysen, I found him spinning around a thin piece of string. Maybe steel? He must've been concentrating his quirk into it to make it a dangerous piece thread. Damn. Can't believe I was taken down by a piece of string.

"He's a lot stronger than I remember him being," I mumbled.

"He must've been training like crazy these past years," Lowell replied as he finished wrapping me up. My shirt was quickly stained red. I might as well just burn it shut but I have a feeling someone will get really pissed off at me if I do.

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