Chapter 8 -Sweet Dreams-

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Yesterday I had chosen not to attend the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff game due to the rain and the urge to put as much distance between myself and everyone else. So when I heard that Potter had been injured I was shocked to say the least. The fact that the dementors were the ones to blame for the attack also surprised me and I found myself being on edge more than usual.

The day went by rather quickly and I had mostly kept to myself besides talking to Draco at breakfast. After all my classes I decided to take a stroll along the corridors, keeping a watchful eye out just in case a bloody dementor decided to show up. I had my Walkman playing the soft tune of Hold on by John Lennon as I looked out the windows in the hallway. After the eventful circumstances of the past few days, time alone was just what I needed to recuperate. While swaying to the melody I began to use my wand as an imaginary microphone and started to sing the lyrics.

"Hold on John. John hold's gonna be alright . You're gonna win the fightttt." My voice carried it self softly,bouncing off the walls of the corridors.

"When you're by yourselfff and there's no one else.You just have yourself and you tell yourself.Just to hold onnnn." A new voice sang the chorus from behind me and I turned around fast enough to give me whiplash. Behind me Professor Lupin stood with a smile evident on his features and his hands tucked into his pockets.

"That's a good song, I see that you actually have taste in music." He chuckled as I unplugged my Walkman and tucked my wand away.

"Well you have to be an idiot not to like John Lennon." I smirk and fall into step next to him, walking down the hallway.

"Any particular reason for singing that specific song ?" He questions and gives me a sideways glance.

"I guess it's just nice to be reminded that when you're alone in the world you just have to hold on. Lennon was a pretty wise guy." I smile and look out the window once more to avoid his curious gaze.

"That he was indeed. I think it was extremely wise of him to remind himself and others to keep persevering. Also if I might add,he and his wife Yoko make quite the pair." It was now Lupin's turn to look out the window as I stare at him intrigued.

"If only I could be so fortunate as to find any means of a relationship at all. Unless you constitute my fist and Fred's face as a relationship." Lupin and I lock eyes and both erupt in a fit of laughter clutching our stomachs in the process. Once we regain our senses he wipes his eyes that had teared up from laughing and leans up against the wall.

"You have no idea how much you remind me of Padfoot." He laughs but quickly stops after realizing the slip of the name.

"Padfoot? Is that you're old friend you were talking about?" I question.

"Yes, he also wasn't the best when it came to relationships."

"What a shame, I guess it must be a common thing for us good looking wizards and witches." I wink and bat my eyelashes dramatically. Lupin snorts and mutters something under his breath that I couldn't make out.

"Well as much as I would love to indulge myself in that theory I have some papers that need grading." He gives a quick goodbye and continues to stroll down the hallway until turning into his classroom. I decide that I should probably head back to the dorms before it gets to late . While I make my way to the dungeons I notice students frantically walking by me. Up ahead I see Draco walking towards me his eyes full of panic.

"Delilah there you are , we have to report to the great hall immediately." He hurriedly states while grabbing my arm and ushering me forward.

" Wait what happened did the bloody dementors try and suck out someone's soul again." I huff as he continues to tug my arm forward in hopes that I would pick up my pace.

"No, Sirius Black was in the castle.Apparently he nearly scared the fat lady to death." I stop in my tracks and turn towards Draco who is still trying to pull me forward.

"Sirius B-Black" I stutter and my eyes widen in fear. Draco finally stops trying to push me forward and instead turns towards me and places both hands on my shoulders.

"Delilah it's gonna be okay, if anything he would go after the Gryffindors first and besides Dumbledore has it under control." After reassuring me , I start to walk once more while keeping a firm grasp on his hand.

Once we enter the great hall we make our way over and grab sleeping bags. Draco is escorted over to the third year students and I remain standing towards the back with no idea where to go. McGonnagal sees me standing in the corner and starts to walk over with a stern look on her face.

"Seeing as though there is no more room in the Slytherin section I guess you will be forced to join the Gryffindors." She sighs and points over to the Gryffindor fifth years which include basically everyone I hate. I try to give her a pleading look but she gives me a harsh stare which ultimately makes me begin to walk over.

Attempting to hide my face with the sleeping bag, I sit myself down behind the group . They don't notice me at first but when Fred turns around to check the clock he sees me curled up in a ball playing with my music tapes.

"Fucking hell snake what are you doing over here." He exclaims

"Believe me I'm just as appalled by this situation as you are. There was no room in the Slytherin section so the old wench decided to force me over here." I state gesturing my head towards McGonnagal.

"Oh well that's great now I won't be able to go to sleep since you'll probably try and hex me." Fred exclaims throwing his hands up in the air.

"Please I've waisted enough time interacting with you as it is ,how about you just turn your ass around and pretend like I don't exist. " I reply while laying down on my sleeping bag and turning my back to him.

"Whatever I'll let you listen to your muggle music." He smirks and I roll back over to face him. I sit up and take out my earbuds pushing my Walkman behind my back .

"How the fuck do you know about my music preference ?" I angrily question him.

"Well lets see , you have millions of muggle band posters hanging up in your room, you constantly carry around that little device of yours, and I noticed you talking to the muggle studies professor in the hall one day." The ginger replies crossing his arms in victory with a smug smile.

"Well Weasel it seems like you've been paying awful close attention to me. If I didn't know any better I would think you might be a stalker, but then again I think you lack the mental capacity to do so." I smirk and lay back down facing him in order to see his reaction.

"As if I'd waist my time stalking a spoiled brat like yourself.I just happen to be a perceptive person thank you very much." He turns his nose up into the air and pretends to flip his hair with his hand. I snort and begin to quietly laugh at the redheads view of himself.

"Whatever you say Weasel. You still weren't perceptive enough to see my fist moving towards your face." I mockingly make a punching motion with my hand and erupt into a quiet fit of laughter.

"Oh shove off Rees, I reckon with a bashed in face I'm still better looking than you are." He defensively states although a small smile is present on his lips.

"In your dreams Frederick." I yawn and roll my eyes before slowly closing them.

" Sweet dreams to you too Snake." He sarcastically responds and closes his eyes as well.Sleep soon overtook the both of us and I found that my worries about Sirius Black had drifted to the back of mind.

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