Operation Two: A New World?

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A/N: I don't own any of this.


Renmant, just outside of Vale

Third Person POV:

As to be expected, all four operators landed on the ground from the portals they were teleported in, before they all stood up and did a four way Mexican standoff.

Kozak: Who are all of you?!

Recker: Same question goes to you.

Logan: Wait. We all have American flags. We're Americans.

Frost: Are you sure? They could be Russians in disguise.

Logan: Look. Just put down your weapons. We're not tangos.

Frost: Alright. But if you backstab me, I'll shoot you.

Logan: Of course.

Frost: Okay. All of you, stand down and cease fire.

Every one of the operators put their weapons down.

Frost: Well if we are Americans, state your branch and rank.

Logan: Logan Walker. Army, 2nd Lieutenant.

Kozak: John Dmitri Kozak. Army, Staff Sergeant.

Recker: Daniel Recker. Marine Corps, Gunnery Sergeant.

Frost: Derek "Frost" Westbrook. Army, formerly Marine Corps. 1st Lieutenant.

Kozak: So Frost is the highest ranking guy out of all of us.

Frost: Seems like it. What about our units?

Recker: I was part of a small squad of Marines named Tombstone.

Frost: Well ooorah to you, fellow Marine.

Logan: I am part of Task Force STALKER, more commonly known as the Ghosts.

Kozak: Well that's also my unit's informal name, though we are Ghost Recon.

Frost: I'm part of the "The Unit".

Logan: Delta?

Frost: Yeah.

Logan: So it would seem all of us are Tier One operators?

Recker: I'm Tier Two.

Logan: Right.

Frost: And we got teleported from four different portals, meaning we're from different worlds of Earth.

Others: Yep.

Frost: Now. Let's get out of this forest before we get sneaked up by someone.

They all helped each other up and started to move through the forest. Logan got out his binoculars, while Kozak his tablet.

Logan: I see a tower.

Kozak: And we should be 2 miles from that tower.

Frost: That probably means civilization. C'mon guys, let's go.

Just as they were about to move on, they were ambushed by several black looking creatures, ready as if looking to eat them.

Frost: We got company men. Weapons free.

Frost then pulled his M4A1 up and started to shoot the lead Grimm, with the others pulling out their weapons and opening fire.

Frost: Recker! Get that SAW up and suppress fire in there!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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