The First Bloodshed

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Instantly after hearing this I dashed to the theater room. Everyone was already about to sit down or already sat down as I ran in.
"S-She is the killer!" Dennis shouted as he stood up.
"Sit down now!" Trace said as everyone sat down.
At this moment I decided it would be best to separate myself from the others just a little bit since tension was falling on me. So I sat a few seats away from either the girls or boys as Logan walked over and sat down next to me.
"I don't think you are the killer." He whispered to me. Him saying that really surprised me,and the fact he would come over to me and say that while the others were around. The red curtains opened and Kumagami stood there with a table behind him with 10 folders on it.
"As you all know,and I said before a body has been discovered. The person who discovered the body was Ms.Raven," Kumagami paused. Everyone looked at me and then back at Kumagami. "I will describe how you will find out who is guilty later,in the meantime it's investigation time. These folders have information about the murder. The rest you will have to try and figure out," Kumagami said with his smirk. "Have fun investigating I will see you during the trial." With that Kumagami was gone.
I grabbed a folder from the table and look through it. The murder took place before I discovered her body. Both of the answers to those were in the folder. This proved I wasn't guilty,but would people still believe I am the culprit. I hoped not,considering I wasn't sure of the consequences of the trial. What if we lost? What if the wrong person was going to be killed? What if we were right? I guess I shouldn't worry about these questions at the moment. I should go and investigate. I started to make my way to where I found the body before when I met up with Dennis.
"I don't care what the damn file says,you are the killer." Dennis said holding his camera.
"I couldn't have killed her because I discovered the body the next day. He would have put the same date wouldn't he?" I asked Dennis.
"He wouldn't,because then the killer would have discovered the body at the same time. So he had to put two different times."
"True thinking about that makes a lot more sense."
"Exactly,either way I hope you can prove your innocence cause everyone thinks you are guilty. Of course all except Logan." Dennis said smirking.
When Dennis smirked it looked similar to Kumagami's smirk. So I just looked as Dennis' smirk until he stopped and ran off to investigate. I dashed after him to investigate Dolly's body. I almost didn't want to go back there. I didn't want to see Dolly's poor body.
I opened the stall again and saw Dennis' camera flashes.
"Why are you taking pictures?" I asked looking at him confused.
"Because,if I do we don't have to come back here all the time to investigate. Also because taking pictures of dead people is kind of fun." He smirked.
When he said we could use it later I thought he was smart,but after he said he liked taking pictures of dead people. I began to feel extremely uncomfortable. That is when Logan opened the door and walked in and looked at us both.
"You guys aren't going to examine any closer?" He asked looking at us.
"First off,the others haven't seen the body yet so playing with the crime scene would be foolish." Dennis said looking at the pictures in his camera.
"Well I am going to get a closer look." Logan said walking into the stall.
Logan looked at the knife in her chest. "Kitchen knife. One of the bigger ones."
"How would you know that?" Dennis looked at him curious,but slightly annoyed.
"Simple. Go look in the kitchen not the dinning room. The biggest knife on the knife stand is missing." Logan said back at him still close to Dolly's body.
"Logan is right Dennis. You just don't want to admit it." Riley said standing away from the stall.
"Is anyone else going to join us?" Dennis asked Riley looking at him full of annoyance.
"I was told after we leave since they don't want to be so crowded." Riley replied.
"May I continue?" Logan glared at them.
I nodded my head at Logan ignoring what the others thought. Logan looked at the knife in her wrist.
"This knife goes all the way through her wrist. It's in the floor a little bit." Logan looked back at us getting away from the body.
Who would be strong enough to do that? They would need some luck as well wouldn't they? To be able to stab one wrist then stab her again without being hurt as well? With all the blood she would have had to hit a blood vessel but wouldn't her hand not have much blood going to it? All of these were thoughts in my head when I walked up to Dennis. "Do you have a picture of Dolly before the murder?"
"Yes I do." He replied and showed me the picture.
I looked at the picture and compared it with the crime scene. Dolly was slightly paler in her stabbed hand.
The culprit stabbed her all the way through and tore her blood vessels. I was right.
The intercom went off and Kumagami began to speak.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen. It's time for the class trial. I will describe the rules when you all show up. Meet in the auditorium. Also whether you checked the folders or the crime scene itself. Either way It's Class Trial time."he hung up. I made my way to the auditorium speechless. Why would someone kill another in the first place? What would happen if we failed? I guess I was about to find out.

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