Chapter 3

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You wake up in a cold sweat. Josh always kept the temperature lower than 70, but you wouldn't dare mess with it. You weren't sure why you were sweating at first, until it came back to you. It was a recurring dream, or more so flashback I suppose, of the last time you saw your real dad. You would find out later, though, that your mom and him got into a fight over money. Who knew one missed bill could tear a family apart. This situation was different though, your dad had spent all of your mom's savings on booze. We were living in a trailer park, the three of us. You don't remember much, but from what you can recall, it was hell. You don't remember all of what happened last night until you turn onto your side and feel your cheek burn as it hits the pillow. You ignore it though and decide to check your phone. A few messages were the usual, snapchats, friends wondering why you weren't at school, etc. But you scrolled down a bit more to see a text from Josh.

"Be packed and ready by 7 tonight, we caught an earlier flight."

You check the time, it is 11 am. Based on the banging and clanging you heard last night, your room was the only thing left to be cleared. Due to the fact your room was small and you had 8 hours, you decided to stream. You figure you should probably let your chat know that you would be gone for a bit. You weren't sure how long, but you didn't think it could be more than a week.

"Hi chat!! Welcome back to the stream! How is everyone!"

You look at the chat, going its normal pace, as they spam their feelings of the day.

"I am not sure how long this stream is going to be, but I have some sad news. I am moving to the UK, so I am not sure how long it will be until I stream again."

You watch as the chat spams sad faces, blushing at having people actually care. It wasn't a feeling you ever got used to. You decide to play some bedwars for about an hour, when your viewer count spikes.

"Char? What is going on? Is it a twitch glitch or..."

Your voice trails off as you scan the chat.


TommyRaiders pog

Tommy Raid

Who are you?

Tommy raided you! You have 100k viewers !!!

The last comment stays with you. 100k?!?!??!? How is this possible? That is more people than all your platforms combined! You have heard of Tommyinnit before, but never watched him or met him.

"Well, welcome everyone! So nice to see so many new people! Thank you Tommy so much for the raid! It means the world!"

You have the biggest smile on your face. This is it! I can finally make it out! Well, not yet, but still! You decide to end up after about two hours more of streaming. You had lost track of time, and it is seeing the clock behind your monitor that made you end.

"Oh my goodness, chat! I have to get on a plane in 3 hours, and I have barely packed! Thank you to everyone and a special thanks to Tommy and his viewers!"

You end with your signature smile and kisses and quickly get to packing. Even though you were terrified of what was to come in London, today's stream made you forget everything. You have just finished packing when you hear Josh call for you.

"You better be ready, Y/N! Everything but your stuff is loaded up, be down in 20!"

His tone seems softer, and its actually nice! Until you realize why. Sheryl is here. He always acted different around her. Even though it was nice in the moment, nothing ever changed behind the scenes.

You get everything loaded up and hop into the back of the taxi. You didn;t live far from the airport, so you watched a bit of a stream before you guys were dropped off. You grab your carry on and walk in. This smell of fast food and stale air filled your nose. It was oddly comforting, but it still couldn't take away your nerves.

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