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she is proof that queens can be kings too

"SAYEKO! SAWAMURA!" The sound of a girl's voice tore away the group's attention from the gymnasium, the third years all recognising the call

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"SAYEKO! SAWAMURA!" The sound of a girl's voice tore away the group's attention from the gymnasium, the third years all recognising the call. "We came to cheer you all on!"

Yui strolled up with her best friends in tow, a bright expression on her face.

"Michimiya!" exclaimed the captain in a delighted surprise. "You really came."

The brunette stood before the lavender-haired girl, entranced by the way she looked today. "Good morning, Yui," she said softly. "Thank you for coming."

"Of course! You're really going to play in the finals!" Mizuki laughed faintly, glancing over at the group of boys that walked away (Sugawara pushed the two away, having realised her crush on Mizuki) and Yui realised her mistake, her face flushing in embarrassment. "I-I mean! T-The others - um, not you exactly - but!"

"It's okay, Yui." Mizuki cut her off with a gentle smile. "I understood."

"Yui," whispered her friend, motioning to the yellow bag slung over her shoulder.

"U-Um..." Yui took out a charm from her bag, averting her gaze, her face reddening. "So, here! Well, um, it's not just for you personally. It's for all of you guys, and, for us, too...so it's not like..." she blabbered on, hands shaking as her heart palpitated.

Mizuki took the charm from her lightly. "Thank you, Yui. It's very thoughtful. I'm sure the boys will cherish it."

"Huh? I-It's not a big deal!"

Mizuki took a step forward, wrapping her in a quick hug. "Thank you for coming," she said into her ear. Yui stood stunned, even when Mizuki pulled away and left with a wave goodbye.

"H-Hai! Leave it to us!"

Once she was gone, Yui collapsed into her best friend's arms.

"I'm impressed you were even able to give it to her."

Believe me, we all were.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

As the cheers for their opponents grew louder, unnerving Karasuno, Mizuki stepped forward, placing a placating hand on Tanaka's shoulder. "An entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship," she started, looking down at the two sobbing second years, "similarly, the negativity of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside you."

Her words earned more tears streaming down their faces. "Sa-Sayeko-senpai!"

As the warm-ups began, Mizuki helped her team by throwing them tosses. She complimented them when needed, advised them on their positioning and helped motivate them with every faint smile.

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