VK Day (Part Two)

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Brielle POV

We walked into the Main Street of the Isle, cheering and celebration already infesting the people around as VK day has been so long-awaited. Harry and I stayed arm and arm, four guards covering our four corners as extra protection. The VKs that made up the Core Four gang split off from us and began their musical number to get the crowd going while Harry and I simply began strolling where we had to go which apparently was across the Isle since that's where the Hook sisters live.

I heard a bunch of squeals that led me to turn towards a crowd of maybe five young children, it breaks my heart to see them in rags like that but they were running right towards us so the guards getting ready to literally attack children snapped me out of that thought process,

"Easy, it's just some kids you all don't need to attack children"

I said with a laugh as the children had come to a screeching halt at the guards. I slipped my arm away from Harry's arm and slipped my hand to intertwine with his while I turned and crouched down to the children's level, bright and jumpy they were. I smiled at them and gestured them to come closer,

"You're the Queen!"

One of them squeaked, I giggled and nodded,

"Yes I am-"

Another playfully hit the others arm, cutting me off some,

"Her name is Brielle duh, you're so pretty in person!"

Well, did I expect to get rained on in compliments today? No I really didn't but I have a soft spot for kids, so I don't mind taking a second and chatting. Another child pointed up at Harry,

"And Harry Hook! He used to steal from my mom's shop all the time"

Another one joked, I turned up to look at Harry with a very amused smile, he had completely gone pale which is kinda a good thing. It means he's feeling guilty about his old actions, he truly looked like he felt bad too. He came beside me and crouched down too and put a hand into his pocket while he spoke,

"Well, I wasn't too good of a person back then, sorry kiddo. Now this 'ere place yer being forced ta call home isn't too good of a place yeh? Well, can ya all do somethin' for me?"

All the children eagerly nodded while Harry pulled out a wad of money, recently he's been doing tons of landscape portraits and then selling them for tons of money so that's his job now and he makes quite the earnings off of it, I'm real proud of him,

"I want all of ya ta not get sucked into the belief that ye need ta be evil ta make it in life. I almost did, but one day all of ye are gonna be over there instead of 'ere..."

He said as he pointed to Auradon in the distance,

"... and everything will get better for ya, but ya have ta be open-minded for that. So run along and give this ta yer moms or dads for some food alright? Just a little gift from me because I did steal so much back then"

Harry said as he dished out money to all of the kids, their faces lighting up at Harry's generosity. I smiled at him as the children excitedly snatched the money and shouted thank you's. I giggled and looked back at them,

"Before you all go, I just want to remind you all that we aren't ignoring any of you. Wanna hear a secret?"

I said in a whisper. They all nodded and crept in closer, the jumpiness and jitters radiating from their very beings are adorable

"Every day we get a little step closer to not having that barrier at all"

I whispered, all of their eyes widened in excitement and squealed all together, and before I knew it I was basically buried because they all rushed into me for a hug at once. I kicked a leg behind me really quickly to stabilize myself and opened my arms to them, Harry doing the same since some of the kids went for him. I giggled and waited for a few seconds, onlookers whispering whatever they could possibly be whispering about. Maybe something positive maybe something negative, who knows and who cares. I parted from the children and looked at all of them with a smile,

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