What is Scripting?

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Updated: dec 16th, 2021
(Bold words have been edited/added)

Next up: Scripting.

Scripting is an optional thing you can do when shifting realities. Remember how I said you can make it so you live in any world you want? You can script that! Just like if you want to change your appearance. But once again, scripting isn't necessary, as your subconscious already knows what you desire!

Scripting is basically what it sounds like: you script (write) things about your DR that you want to have/happen, and when you shift, it'll be just that!

Here's an example: Say I am shifting to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and I want my DR to start 7 months before Captain America Civil War (this means it will be one month before Peter Parker gets his powers), I will script that, and when I shift it will be 7 months before the events of CW, and I will be there when Peter Parker gets bitten. It's pretty easy to script, honestly.

The basics of Scripting are simple:

1. You'll need a few different sections: About Me, Rules, life in my DR, and relationships (optional)

2. It can be in a journal, on a piece of paper, or on your computer! Though it's usually preferred to be on paper if you want to use the Pillow method, but it's always up to you! (Just don't sleep on your computer.)


The first section you would want in your script is about me. But before that, you need a title. Now, it can be anything you want. If you are shifting to Hogwarts, then write that. You can name your script whatever you want, it's up to you.


After your title, you should have a section labeled about me.

If you are shifting to Hogwarts: your name (if you are changing it), your house, your age, school year you are currently in, your wand, your pet, your appearance, your blood status, clothing style and your family. You can also add a quick summary of your backstory if you'd like for any of these!

If you are shifting to the MCU: your name, age, appearance, powers (if you want any), if you are an avenger or not, your family, and your clothing style.

This goes for all scripts of any kind, those are the two I frequently see people shift to on TikTok (because I am still on shifttok. It's been a year.).

I'm not sure what you would put if you are shifting to an anime series so please don't ask me... I don't watch anime.


Rules are VERY important when it comes to scripting, as they are used to protect you from harm and send you home.

The most important rules you need in your script:

I am immune to death. (Or I can only die of old age)
I am immune to being traumatized.
I will know I have shifted when it smells like (Insert desired scent).
My safe word/safe action is (your safe word/action)

It is preferred that you write a safe word or action in your script. A safe word is what you say when you want to leave your desired reality, same goes for a safe action.

If you don't have a safe word/action thats fine! As long as you intend to return back to your CR, then you can come back! You can't get stuck in your dr.

And by the way, everyone who has said that people can kick you out of your dr... THEH ARE WRONG.

For example: my safe word is peanut pickles. I don't have a safe action.

A safe word/action can also come in handy if you are in a dangerous situation and need to get out immediately.

scripting that you won't be traumatized by things that happen in your DR is super important if you are shifting somewhere that you know can/will be traumatizing. I don't think you want to leave your DR and come back to your CR with PTSD and you'd have to explain how you got it. That would be an awkward situation.

Scripting that you can't die is also SUPER IMPORTANT IF YOU OLAN IN LIVING FOR A WHILE THERE
. If you die in your DR then you will be sent back to your CR and most likely not be able to return.

Speaking of which, people have asked me if they can only make one script and can only shift to one place. Nope! You can make as many scripts as you want and shift to wherever you'd like! Your DR also will not reset whenever you leave/return unless you scripted that.

Up next are methods, which are very important to shifting! Don't forget to comment questions and vote!

I must also inform you all that I myself have not shifted yet, but I have all of this information because I've done my research! When I finally shift I will be posting about it on my tiktok @toasted.quackson so go check it out!

Updated A/N: for some wondering, I shifted on February 22nd of 2021! I have successfully shifted to the right places around 34 times in the span of 10 months. It's not much, but all together I have spent about a decade- 15 years in my DRs combined.

Some of the places I have shifted to/will shift to:
Teen Wolf (two separate DR)
Lab Rats
MCU (separate DRs for Loki, Bucky, Peter, and Wanda)
OBX (have yet to shift there)
X-men (separate DRs for Peter and Charles)
Fame DR
The Flash (mini shift)
Maze Runner
My BabySitter's a Vampire
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
Vampire Diaries
Streamer DR

my main DR is my teen wolf DR. I started that DR in 2011, when Scott first got bit. It's currently 2019 in that DR, and Stiles and I are married with a baby girl, Arya :)

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