Welcome to My Stream :)

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As I loaded into my first Youtube live stream, I ran a hand through my hair. I know that people probably aren't going to joi- oh? 

I noticed a little pop up saying someone joined. 
"Hi! Welcome!" I said. I did a little happy wiggle in my chair. They put something in the chat. 

Hi! What are you playing? 

"I'm going to play some good ole Minecraft," I replied. 

Neat! Are you starting a new world? 

"I am," 

I'm looking forward to seeing what you're going to do with the world! 

"I'm glad that you are. I honestly wasn't thinking that anyone would join my stream, thank you!" I replied with a smile. I know that the person can't see me because I don't have a face cam set up. I got the world loaded on my PS4 and replied to another message. 

I've never seen your username come up anywhere before

"This my first stream actually. And I'm going to look for villages on my way to an oceanside area," 

That's super cool! I know that people can be mean but if anyone ever tries to shoot you down, don't listen to them. 

"Awwe, thank you! I try not to. Sometimes people are really mean but I just remember that I don't have to listen to them and this is my life to live and their input won't change that," I said getting some wood. They didn't send any more messages as I ran around and got supplies and food and other things. When I had a minute to stop, I wrote down their username. 

"Oh wow! Five people! Welcome, everybody! It's nice to see y'all here!" I said and went back to my game. I found four villages in my travels and found a spot near a coral reef, a flower biome and an oak forest. There's also a little bay in front of where I'm going to build. I settled in the field and started mapping out my house. 

"Now, I don't want to build anything boring but for now I'm going to start with a little hut thing just to keep safe y'know?" And I build a little three by three square to put a chest, bed, crafting table and furnace. I slept when the sun went down to avoid the mobs. 
"It's getting late for me here so I think I'm just going map out the floor plan of my house and then I'm going to dip for the night. I am going to get this layout done though. And maybe with the bay I can make a little marina to go out into the water with to fishing. And make a big garden and find somewhere to mine," I said while starting to dig out the shape of my house. I just kind of talked to myself throughout the stream and I think it went pretty well. Before I turned off the stream, I noticed a question in the chat. 

Do you have any social media? 

"Not at the moment but if you give me one minute I will," I said pulling out my phone. 


"Alright. I made an Instagram and it's FrostyFischer. The same as my Youtube name. Although I am going to call it a night so goodnight friends and have a wonderful day! Or night, whatever the jive is," I said and closed the stream. I chose to post it to my channel and I turned everything off and went to bed happy. 

Hi friends! I have an Instagram that I post the little updates that I do, I also have a tellonmy its tellonym.me/ToasterKai, if you have questions for me/comments/concerns/hopes for future chapters, and responses will be posted on the Instagram story within 24 hours if you're interested. But regardless, enjoy :)

Frosty the StreamerWhere stories live. Discover now