Chapter One

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I never was one to enjoy being the centre of attention. In fact, I would have no problem living the rest of my life going unnoticed; blending into the background.

I guess that's why I loved this ability so much. I could have one face today, and be a completely different person the next. Avoiding uncomfortable encounters and unnecessary conversations with acquaintances became easier then ever.

The memory of my first time discovering this ability was still fresh in my mind.

My shoulders sagged.  The stress of the day had took its toll and weighed on my shoulders, visible on my face.  I walked into the shared apartment, hoping to relax, throw on a movie and have a glass of wine while Nick cooked us dinner.

I was not greeted with the scent of fresh food, nor the sound of footsteps padding along the floor as they usually would when Nick would come to greet me. Instead, a silence hung over the room.  I would've thought the house was empty, if it wasn't for the familiar pair of shoes neatly placed at the front door.

"Nick?"  My voice echoed off the walls.

No response.

The silence was unwelcoming. Unfamiliar. And I did not like the ominous feeling that accompanied it.

I took a few slow steps down the hall, inching towards the bedroom. That's when I heard it. The quiet sound of shuffling and a creak from the bed.

Perhaps Nick had taken a nap. I knew he was busy, the nights he was held up at work must've been taking its toll on him.

My feet turned away as I was about to head to the kitchen to start preparing dinner for us. I'd let Nick rest for now.

My feet halted. The faint sound of a giggle floated from the room and pricked my ears. 

A shiver ran through me, hoping my mind was playing tricks on me, and I didn't hear the sickly sweet sound of a female laughter in my home.

My limbs had control of me now. My sluggish steps now turned into full strides as I gripped the handle and swung the door open.

My eyes landed on two figures frozen, like a couple of dear caught in headlights. The sheets were crumpled, articles of clothes carelessly thrown across the room. 

The girl quickly grabbed at the sheets and moved to cover herself, trying to keep some of her dignity. But she could not hide her shame as her eyes immediately flicked over to Nick, her pretty little mouth permanently gapped open as if she had words to say, but nothing came out.

"I thought you weren't home till later?" Was the first thing that came out of Nicks mouth.

I flicked my gaze from the naked girl and over to him, my eyes hardening as I looked at him with a mixture of disgust and hurt.

"Really Nick, that's all you have to say?" My words dripped with venom.

I didn't wait around. I didn't need to hear any explanation or lame excuse. Three years of my life just went down the drain, and everything that seemed to familiar, so warm about this apartment and the life I build here suddenly turned cold.  Walking through the hall felt like I was wadding through an ocean of ice.  All the photographs of us embraced in each other's arms seemed to glare down at me in a mocking manner. As if they were saying all the memories we shared, and love for one another was a lie.

I threw on my shoes, ripped open the door with a little more force then necessary, and bounded into the hall.  Out of the apartment that used to be mine.

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