Poetry👑 (Pt.1)

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-Dream doesn't understand how writing works, so he gets tutored, by the poetry geek.

💫People Included💫

Kinda Steamy😳

"Okay so Allison, Tiffany, Jessica, Rachel, Lola, Mercy, Jane, Cristina, Katlyn, and who else?"

Dream rolls his eyes ignoring the gingered brunette as he takes in another breath of smoke. The nicotine fills his lungs, and unlike others he didn't cough. You got use to it after a few years. "I have not slept with Jane yet, and you forgot Lily and Josey." Sapnap nods keeping a mental note of that, "oh shit we're gonna be late. Usually I wouldn't give a flying fuck but they switched my class to Mr.Bunder and he is such an ass." Sapnap throws his on the ground, smashing it beneath his shoe. Dream does the same, fixing his hair in the mirror. "Hey are you going to Allys party tonight?" He asks grabbing his bag which he was just gonna throw in his locker.

"I'd be crazy not to, I mean the new student Karl Jacobs is gonna be there and I have plans." Dream rolls his eyes and Sapnap throws his gum in the trash, "heard he's hot so I'm gonna just get em right off the bat." Dream laughs and they walk out of the bathroom, Dream seeing Techno. "Ayyyyy my man, do you got what I asked for?" They do their signature handshake and Dream looks around before slipping him a pack of cigarettes. Techno stuffs it in his back pocket and hands Dream the 20 dollar bill. "Those ads do nothing," Techno says and Dream laughs looking back at Sapnap who had a timid looking brunette infront of him.

"Now you have no excuse to lost your damn potato wars." Techno nods with a smile, "Fuck preteens man." Dream laughs waving at Techno when he starts to walk down the hallway. "I like your hoodie, really goes with your figure." Dream can't believe Sapnaps flirting skills and let's the other live already walking to his classroom. This boring class being Poetry, he didn't even want to take it but he didn't sign up for classes last year so it was forced upon him. He didn't even want to be at school, would much rather be in Nicole Heartsmans bed again. That was where he was last night after all, she had a good mattress.

He opens the door to the classroom and everyone looks at him, but no body looked surprised. "Thank you for joining the lesson today Mr. Johnson. Care to explain why you were late? Actually this is a perfect example, say it like Shakespeare would." Dream nods clearing his throat, "I sleptith with a wench and hadst to sneaketh out of h'r apartment." Some of the class laughs, especially his friends and the teacher taps her foot. "Not funny Mr. Johnson go sit down."

Dream does his friend giving him a high five, "well now where we left off. Poetry has been around for thousands of years, even dating back to the Mesopotamian era. Using our knowledge what was the first ever recorded poem?" The class goes quiet only 1 hand shooting up to answer.

George Davidson.

Dream didn't know much about him, didn't care. He was the new kid in 6th grade, a total geek. Good at history, algebra, and any other class he could get his hands on. A teacher's pet, Mrs. Clovers favorite which was surprising because she showed no interest to students until he showed up. The one time Dream did talk to him it was insanely odd. They were partners in History and George had already gotten the paper done before the teacher had even assigned the partners. He told Dream that he had finished, and that he could look over it but it wouldn't matter anyways. He was totally independent and a great writer, as it put Dream to sleep in a matter of minutes.

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