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Nayeon : "Mrs. Lee? Mr. Lee? Young Lee?"

Nayeon called their names but no one can be seen.

Nayeon : "I think they are not here"

Jeongyeon : "Let's get back ms. Stranger... I think it's going to rain"

Nayeon : "Wait a second let me check"

Nayeon said while walking towards the door.

Jeongyeon waited aa she thought she'll meet Nayeon's relative, or someone nayeon is close with.

Nayeon : "I think they flew away"

She pouted.

Jeongyeon : "Flew away?"

Nayeon : "Yeah... Birds can fly. Right?"

Jeongyeon : "You pull me here to let me meet with Mr., Mrs and young Lee... And they were birds?"

Jeongyeon asked. Nayeon nodded.

Jeongyeon : "Unbeliveable!"

Jeongyeon smiled while shaking her head.

Jeongyeon : "Ms stranger it's going to rain let's go"

Nayeon : "But I wanted to introduce you to Lee family"

Nayeon pouted , Jeongyeon was going to burst on nayeon for her silly yet childish behavior but that pout suck all her anger.

She just smiled.

Jeongyeon : "Lee family... I hope we can meet soon... But till now wherever you are be safe and remember one thing Ms. Stranger loves you alot"

Jeongyeon said while looking towards the sky, she looked at Nayeon who smiled genuinely.

Oh! Tell her how she'll not fell for this woman.

Nayeon felt a drop of water on her face and now it started drizzling.

Jeongyeon : "Let's go... It's started to rain"

Jeongyeon grabbed Nayeon's wrist and pulled her but Nayeon pulled her back.

Nayeon : "Let's... let's go inside"

Nayeon hesitated for a second before inviting a STRANGER into the hut.

Jeongyeon : "Are you a thief? We are intruding into someone else's house"

Nayeon just passed her toothy smile before pulling a key from her pocket. And opened the door.

Jeongyeon : "I knew it... You are a thief"

Jeongyeon said as she enterd the house.

Nayeon : "Pabo... It's our farmhouse..."

Jeongyeon : "Huh?... Okay... But still you are a thief"

Nayeon : "Why?"

Jeongyeon : "You are... You are stealing my heart..."

Nayeon turn her head towards jeongyeon and gave her a blushing smile.

Jeongyeon : "And you stealed my heart...
Oh god... Heart stop beating this fast... She's just a pretty face which is prettier than anyone"

Jeongyeon said audible enough for Nayeon... Which make her blush again. Minhyuk never made her feel this way.

Even though she know the taller is just a flirt , still her lines never fail to make the older one heart beats rate faster and the blush. No never in her life minhyuk make her feel this way.

Nayeon : "Do you want to eat something?"
My last exam Music (Instrumental) is left. And I failed in my physics and chemistry exam... TT 😅😂

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