Chapter twenty-six

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[A/N: Dedication goes to Olivia_loves_Nialler because her comment gave me ideas for future chapters. And PhillipWazHear123 gets a mention because that comment made me laugh so much! xx]


(Harry's POV)

"Harry, I need you to stand over there," Louis tells me, pointing to the section of the stage next to Eleanor. I can tell he's frustrated, but honestly, I would be too if I was in his position. The school has put so much faith and trust in him to make sure this musical is perfect. I don't blame him for feeling a bit annoyed.

I walk over to Eleanor while the other members of the cast stand around us. I can't help but feel like I don't fit in here. I stick out like a sore thumb. I'm a football jock, not a musical geek. It seems like everybody is friends here except me. I don't know anybody personally, besides Louis, of course.

I havn't given much thought as to when I'm going to tell my friends about me playing the role of Romeo. I guess they'll just find out for themselves. Gossip and information spreads fast in this school. If they're really my friends, they won't care, right?

"Alright, now as I've said before, this is the scene where Romeo and Juilet first meet at the Capulet ball." Louis explains, never lifting his eyes from the script in his hands.

"And when does the first song occur?" a boy with ginger curly hair asks.

Louis peers up from the script through his glasses, "Oh, did I forgot to mention it? The first song comes after this scene, when Romeo and Juliet meet after the ball. When Romeo is outside of Juliet's balcony. The lyrics are on the script. Rehearse them. Learn them by tomorrow." he tells all of us.

A few people mumble about how harsh Louis is being. I just stand uncomfortably close to Eleanor while we wait for further instructions.

Eleanor clears her throat, "Uh, will I have to kiss Harry?" she asks, blushing slightly. Don't get me wrong, Eleanor is incredibly fit and she's really nice, but she's not my type. If I had to kiss her more than once I might gag.

I just smirk and watch Louis as he clenches his fists into tightly knitted balls. Who would've known Lou was the jealous type? His lips pinch into a straight line, trying to hide his inner emotions. I seem to be the only one who notices that his brow wrinkles and his face turns red.

"No, not until the premier. And when you do, it'll just be a peck on the cheek. Nothing big." he says calmly, unclenching his fists.

"Oh," Eleanor says in a disappointed tone.

Louis quirks an eyebrow at her but shrugs it off, "Anyways... shall we start the scene now? Harry, place your palm against Eleanor's." he tells me.

I nod and awkwardly put my palm against Eleanor's, then hold my script in the other one. My hand still has the tan guaze wrapped tightly around it from punching the wall a few weeks ago. I glance down at it as the background music begins to play. Everybody stares at Eleanor and I, but I don't mind. I don't get nervous in front of people that often.

Eleanor and I start slowly dancing in a circle, never detaching our palms or breaking eye contact. My palm is kind of sweaty which, for the record, is completely embarrassing. It's also an unsettling feeling to dance so close to someone else while your boyfriend is watching. I know it's just acting, but it still feels wrong.

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand. To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." I say finally, suprisingly remembering my line.

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." Eleanor replies softly.

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